(Clearwisdom.net) On April 13, Toronto practitioners rallied in front of the Ontario Provincial Government to request the governor to advise all Ontarians not to go to China for organ transplants because the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) is harvesting organs from living Falun Gong practitioners for profit. Going to China for an organ transplant is supporting this inhuman atrocity.

As early as March 8, a witness testified that the CCP had set up a concentration camp to harvest organs from living practitioners for profit and then cremate their remains to destroy evidence of the crimes. The United Nation expressed its concern over this claim on March 30th.
After 3 weeks of silence, the CCP regime announced that it would ban illegal organ transplant practice starting on July 1.
An Ontario resident said that he called a hospital in China and asked: "I have heard that organs of Falun Gong practitioners are very good, do you have these kinds of organs available?" The doctor who answered the phone said: "All of the organs we have here are this kind, all from Falun Gong practitioners and fresh. If you want an organ transplant, please hurry up. We will have many of them in April."
Canadian Falun Dafa Association spokesman Joel Chipkar said that media reports had revealed that the CCP regime is escalating its atrocities in harvesting organs and killing Falun Gong practitioners. While destroying evidence of crimes, the regime is also trying to make a profit from this bloody business.
Mr. Chipkar said, "The persecution of Falun Gong has become a systematic slaughter of civilians directed by the government and a crime of harvesting organs for profit, which is totally against humanity. This is trampling on the human conscience, and all Ontarians must know this clearly."
Toronto City Councilman Michael Walker stated, "Everyone is born equal. When one person's rights are violated, everyone's rights are endangered. Harvesting organs and destroying evidence by cremating the bodies is the most severe crime that a government can commit. The free world cannot remain silent any more."
"How can we say this is acceptable? How can we say remaining silent is a right thing? As a resident of this Earth, I cannot remain silent. I will do all I can do to safeguard people's basic rights - the rights to live." Walker said at the rally.
Commentator Shi Tao said, "Today, the CCP is facing a similar environment as the time of the Nazis--a prosperous economy that took advantage of other countries' greed and commercial interests, overcoming their conscience. Facing evil, many chose to remain silent. Such an attitude made the Nazis boast: 'Even if you escape from here, no one will believe your claim!' Today, the CCP's policemen are saying the same thing to Falun Gong practitioners."
Shi Tao continued, "In China, to upgrade to a first class hospital with a higher rating, smaller hospitals in China must perform 5 kidney transplant operations. Consequently, some hospitals chose to sell out their conscience. On February 11, the director of the No. 3 Zhongshan Hospital in Guangdong Province said publicly at an academic conference, 'Don't come to China to have this kind of irresponsible organ transplant.'
"Some want to destroy evidence of crimes, some want money, some want organs. Today, Falun Gong practitioners are being killed to destroy the eyewitnesses of these atrocities. Tomorrow, doctors, nurses and other people who know of these crimes are likely targets, as well. The CCP will not leave these people alone, who can testify as witness in the future," Shi Tao warned.
Category: Organ Harvesting