(Clearwisdom.net) October 14, 2006 was a sunny day with clear, crisp autumn weather. Falun Gong practitioners carried out another truth-clarification activity at Nuremberg, a prominent city for human rights located in southern Germany. Practitioners living around Nuremberg gathered there and brought various truth-clarification materials to distribute to the people.

People sign the petition one after another

Practitioners' peaceful demonstration and reenactment of the CCP's live organ harvesting form a huge contrast
When the exhibition platform was set up, many passersby from around the world were immediately attracted and watched. Some were Chinese. There were two different banners. One yellow banner read "Falun Dafa Is Good" with red letters, and the other condemned the CCP for its illegal organ harvesting from living Falun Gong practitioners.
There were two different scenes. One was practitioners demonstrating the exercises peacefully, the other was the reenactment of the CCP's illegal live organ harvesting. The huge contrast caught people's attention and many stopped to watch to learn the true story about how could this happen.Materials were distributed and the truth-clarification was conducted by practitioners throughout the day. The difference noted from before is that Chinese people's interest in knowing the facts has increased. Some even actively took truth-clarification materials, which was rarely seen one or two years earlier. More copies of the Nine Commentaries on the Communist Party, which completely exposes the evil nature of the CCP, were distributed than before.
Local residents and people from other countries had very high interest in learning the true facts. Most of them were very shocked by the CCP atrocities of illegal organ harvesting from living practitioners. However, some weren't surprised at all and completely believed the accounts of the CCP atrocities. More and more people signed their names to support Falun Gong.
One local Chinese man saw Falun Gong practitioners' diligently at work, so he brought practitioners meals from his home. It was very moving.