(Clearwisdom.net) On January 15, 2002, at the invitation of the Mid-England Education Committee, two British practitioners gave a Falun Gong workshop in the meeting room of the City Hall of Bramhall City. About sixty middle-aged and senior citizens attended the workshop, many of whom had been searching for a spiritual path for a long time. Because Falun Gong is being persecuted by Jiang's regime, the many media reports about Falun Gong particularly interested this group, and they had contacted practitioners early last year to request this workshop.

The first practitioner giving the presentation took about twenty minutes to introduce the principles of Falun Gong and how it quickly spread throughout China and the rest of the world in the first eight years. He explained how, since Jiang's persecution began, practitioners are now brutally tortured and even murdered when they peacefully appeal for their right to practice. Finally, he talked about the worldwide support for Falun Gong from governments and other organizations. After that the practitioners showed the exercise video designed by Australian practitioners. The beautiful exercises and music deeply touched the attendees, and many of them could not help saying, "It is so beautiful." All of the attendees learned the five sets of exercises with enthusiasm after watching the exercise instruction video by Teacher Li.

During the twenty-minute question and answer session at the end of the workshop, they asked a lot of questions, ordered many videotapes and talked about setting up a practice site. They felt regret that Jiang's regime would persecute such a wonderful practice, and they condemned the violation of the practitioners' basic human right of freedom of belief in China. The whole time during the workshop, a powerful righteous field filled the meeting place, and people could feel the heart-to-heart communication. Dafa is so wonderful, and all the kind-hearted people could share in the peace and happiness radiating from the practitioners' hearts.

The workshop ended after two hours. The organizer of the meeting highly praised the successful workshop, and reserved another one at the Women's association in another city.