(Minghui.org) Practitioner Zhao collapsed one day last December: His lips turned purple, and he seemed to be in agony. Another practitioner and I went to visit him a few days later. He had not improved. While the practitioner and I exchanged opinions, Zhao suddenly said, “I just asked Master Li, the founder of Falun Dafa, to help me, and he did. I am fine now.” He looked happy.

He began to suffer extreme pain again two days later and could not even open his eyes. I asked if he sincerely recited the two auspicious phrases. To my surprise, he said, “I forgot them. Would you tell me again?” I believed that the old forces had separated his main consciousness from his knowing side. He acted like he didn’t know many of the things the practitioners talked to him about.

One day, he seemed to have regained his main consciousness. To the practitioners visiting him, he said, “Everyone has been doing a magnificent job over the past years. I have done many things in Dafa initiatives and felt complacent. I was proud of myself for the work I had done. Gradually, I slacked off, and the old forces exploited my loopholes and persecuted me. My fellow practitioners, you must do well in your cultivation. Clarifying the truth is an important task, and only when you cultivate well can you do it well, and the old forces would not come near you.

“We are the practitioners who assist Master in correcting the universal law, and we must finish what we started and return home with Master. I became addicted to playing with my phone and spent more time on my phone than studying the teachings. I won’t hide my shortcomings, instead, I want to expose them to as many practitioners as possible so that others can learn from my error.”

Zhao passed away after ten days of suffering and going back and forth in his cultivation state. He was 67 years old. During his last ten days, his complexion was rosy, plump, and smooth. He told everyone around him in his last moments that we should not be left with regrets in our cultivation.

Before he became a practitioner, Zhao suffered migraines and relied on painkillers every day. A young man in the village introduced him to Falun Dafa. He read the book Zhuan Falun in the summer of 1994, and immediately his headache disappeared. He knew that the book was not an ordinary book, that it was meant to help him cultivate Buddhahood. He attended Master’s last lecture in Dalian City in 1994. After that, he was healthy and active.

Zhao often shared his understanding with other practitioners to help them deepen their understanding of Falun Dafa’s teachings. In our village, it used to be that over half of the population often went to the farmer’s market to steal from the vendors. As more and more people learned about Falun Dafa, the stealing quickly lessened. In the winter, when the snow was heavy, the practitioners would go to the market early to shovel the snow before the vendors arrived.

When the persecution of Falun Dafa started on July 20, 1999, we weren’t sure what to do. Zhao started to talk with other practitioners to ensure that they knew the practice was righteous and good. He’ been one of the most proactive practitioners over the past 30 years.

For a while, Zhao became destitute because of the persecution. He was arrested and tortured but never for long. He’d done many things to clarify the truth, such as making Dafa materials, distributing flyers, and hanging banners. He’d also written articles to expose the persecution and to share his experiences. He cared and helped practitioners who went astray or had a difficult time passing a test.