(Minghui.org) I have never written a cultivation experience sharing article due to obstructions by my notions. However, after going through a recent tribulation, I became determined to write this article to validate the Fa and prove that Master is right by my side. If there is anything that is not aligned with the Fa kindly let me know.
On the night of October 20, 2024, my alarm to send forth righteous thoughts sounded, and I was immediately about to get up to send forth righteous thoughts. However, a sudden, acute pain in the left side of my buttocks made me unable to move. I bore the pain and begged Master in my heart, “Master, help me!”
I recited Master’s Fa:
“When it’s difficult to endure, you can endure it. When it’s impossible to do, you can do it.” (The Ninth Lecture, Zhuan Falun)
I forced myself to sit up and send forth righteous thoughts.
After sending forth righteous thoughts, I thought, “This is not an accidental. There must be somewhere that I did not do well and have attachments, so the old forces found an excuse to disturb and persecute me.”
First of all, I rejected the evil persecution, “Even if there are things that I did not do well, or if I have attachments, the old forces are not allowed to disturb or persecute me. No matter what loopholes I may have in my cultivation, I will correct them based on the Fa. I have Master, and everything of mine can only be looked after by Master. No other beings are fit to manage anything for me.”
I kept reciting, “Falun Dafa is good, Truthfulness-Compassion- Forbearance is good” and also the verses to send forth righteous thoughts. Unknowingly, I fell asleep.
The alarm to wake up for morning exercises at three o’clock sounded, and I wanted to get up to practice the exercises. But I was still not able to move. I forced myself to get up, and pressed my hands against the bed to get ready to do the exercises. I was already covered in sweat by then. Bearing the pain, I forced myself to complete the first four sets of exercises. Not only did my face become covered in sweat, my clothes were drenched too. Following that, I continued to do the fifth exercise.
After completing the exercises, I started to prepare breakfast, and had a hard time doing household chores. I had to walk and move around without letting my family see that I had a problem, so I kept looking within and found a load of attachments, including the attachments to jealousy, complaints and hatred, being proud, gains and benefits, criticizing others, validating myself, being self-centered, treating others without compassion, etc. After digging deeper, I realized that all these attachments were rooted in the attachment of selfishness. I thus sent forth strong righteous thoughts to eliminate all the attachments that were related to selfishness.
A hard day passed. The whole of the second day was the same. Things did not improve. The third day was our village’s market day. I often go to the market to clarify the truth and help save people on this day. Would I be able to go? I said to Master in my heart, “Master! Tomorrow is the day I need to go out to save people. Please help revert everything back to normal.” At the same time, I also thought that I needed to conduct myself well before Master could make arrangements for me. I rejected this fake illness tribulation, thinking, “Tomorrow I must go to the market as usual.” I memorized "On Dafa" and “Your Main Consciousness Should Predominate” in Zhuan Falun.
On the third day, I got up to send forth righteous thoughts. A lot of the pain had gone away, and the morning exercises were no longer so hard to do. Nothing was delayed that day, and I did what I needed to do. After I returned from clarifying the truth at the market, I felt that I had come back with a full load of returns. I said to Master in my heart, “Thank you, Master! Thank you!”
I still felt some discomfort for the next few days, but the evil beings could no longer cause a disturbance. In about a week’s time, the discomfort had totally disappeared. I know deeply that I could never recover within such a short time without Master’s empowerment. Because of the situation at that time, if there was no benevolent salvation from Master and the power of the Fa, I really do not know if I could have overcome it. No words can describe my gratitude to Master.
In addition, on the night I wrote this article, I had a vivid dream. In the dream, I saw a large amount of matter in the sky, among it being a very big round object, which suddenly started dropping towards me. At that time, I was not afraid and was thinking, “Let what should happen, happen!” Just then, I saw this round object divert towards my right and continue falling. After waking up, I understood that Master was right by my side, helping me to resolve tribulations at critical moments. Once again, thank you, Master, for your benevolent salvation!
Articles in which cultivators share their understandings typically reflect an individual's perception at a point in time based on their cultivation state, and they are offered in the spirit of enabling mutual elevation.
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Category: Cultivation Insights