(Minghui.org) There’s an old saying: Beware of enemies bearing gifts.
According to Homer’s Iliad, after waging an unsuccessful war with the city of Troy for ten years, the Greeks pretended to withdraw their troops but left a large wooden horse on the battlefield. The Trojans brought the horse into their city. Greek soldiers hidden inside the horse waited until the residents were asleep, then emerged, opened the city gates to let in the rest of the Greek army, and conquered Troy.
Soviet Spy in the U.S. Treasury
History often repeats itself, and we can learn a lot if we pay attention. After the Sino-Japanese War ended in 1945, the Republic of China headed by Chiang Kai-shek needed support to rebuild the country. His request to the United States government for funds was approved, but the $7 million did not arrive. Upon Chiang’s request, the U.S. government investigated and found that the funds had been withheld by Harry Dexter White, Deputy Secretary of the U.S. Treasury.
The FBI previously investigated White and found solid evidence that he was a Soviet spy. The FBI documented their findings in a report, “Soviet Espionage in the United States,” and submitted it to the White House, the Attorney General, and the State Department on December 4, 1945.
Despite this report, then U.S. president Harry S. Truman nominated White as US Director of the International Monetary Fund six weeks later on January 23, 1946. In response, the FBI submitted a 28-page memo, which was received by the White House on February 4, 1946. Nonetheless, White’s nomination was approved two days later by Senate members who were unaware of the allegations.
White was not arrested until 1948. During a House hearing, White denied he was a Communist and a Soviet spy. The most critical evidence was related to the U.S. intelligence network and could not be made public. White was able to defend himself and escaped conviction. After the hearing, he died of an apparent heart attack. Although it was suspected that a Soviet agent silenced him, the investigation was left unresolved due to a lack of evidence.
Documents declassified in 1953 showed that White gave the Soviet Union U.S. Treasury plates to print Allied military marks in occupied Germany. The Soviet Union printed currency in large amounts, which led to serious inflation in occupied Germany, costing the U.S. about $250 million.
As time went on, more information was declassified. White’s specific activities were listed in the notebooks of Alexander Vassiliev, a KGB agent and journalist. White was the Soviet Union’s highest-ranking spy within the U.S. government.
White proudly said that he would delay payments to the Republic of China as much as possible within the scope of his authority. White’s actions in the U.S. played an indirect role in destroying the economy of the Republic of China and thus allowing the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) to defeat Chiang and take control of the country.
The New York Times’ Disinformation on Stalin and Ukraine Famine
These cases from more than 70 years ago should be taken as a serious lesson and a reminder of communism’s goal to seize and rule the world.
At the time, most people were confused by Soviet Russia’s lies. For example, information from various sources showed that the Ukraine Famine between 1932 and 1933 killed millions of Ukrainians. Walter Duranty, Moscow bureau chief for The New York Times (1922–1936), denied this. Instead, he praised Joseph Stalin and attacked Gareth Jones, a British journalist who had witnessed the starvation in Ukraine and reported on it.
In August 1933, Duranty published a front-page report in The New York Times that said, “The excellent harvest about to be gathered shows that any report of a famine in Russia is today an exaggeration or malignant propaganda.” But this was far from truth. According to a 2022 NPR article titled, “‘The New York Times’ can’t shake the cloud over a 90-year-old Pulitzer Prize,” a British diplomat privately recorded in September 1933 that Duranty had told him that in Ukraine, “as many as 10 million people may have died directly or indirectly from lack of food in the past year.” But this assessment was never reported or published.
Robert Conquest, a well-known British historian and an authority on Soviet history, wrote in his classic book The Harvest of Sorrow that, as a high-profile reporter for the most renowned newspaper in the world at the time, Duranty’s denial of the Great Famine was taken as the truth. Not only did Duranty deceive the readers of The New York Times, but because of the newspaper’s reputation, he also influenced countless people’s views on Stalin and the Soviet regime.
After the collapse of the Soviet Union and the countries it occupied in Eastern Europe, much of the West believed that communism was doomed and adopted a long-term appeasement policy towards the Chinese Communist Party (CCP). But the CCP never stopped pushing its own agenda.
As trade grew between China and the U.S., the CCP deepened the U.S. economy’s reliance on cheap Chinese goods while infiltrating the US through various means. Although the U.S. took some measures such as high-tech restrictions, the harm done cannot be nullified quickly.
Infiltration in New York: From the Governor’s Office to Community Grassroots
Emily de La Bruyère and Nathan Picarsic, two senior researchers at the Foundation for Defense of Democracies, released a report in 2024 titled “The Near Enemy: China’s Subnational Reach Into the United States.” They found the CCP’s influence growing at the local level in the US.
When Linda Sun (Sun Wen), former deputy chief of staff of the New York Governor’s Office, was found to be working for the CCP, the revelation shocked the American political community. The Chinese government reportedly provided millions of dollars in financial rewards to Sun and her husband. According to the indictment, she prevented Taiwanese diplomats from contacting the state government, illegally issued a proclamation to the Chinese Consulate General Huang Ping, assisted the Chinese Consulate in influencing Governor Kathy Hochul’s speech on sensitive issues, and forged Hochul’s signature to invite a delegation from China’s Henan Province to the United States, among other actions.
After Sun was indicted, Jim Risch, the top Republican on the Senate Foreign Relations Committee, said in an X post that it was no secret that the CCP had infiltrated American society at the state and local levels. The House Committee on Oversight and Accountability also said in a post that Sun’s case was unlikely to be an isolated incident.
A 2020 Newsweek investigation estimated that the 600 CCP United Front organizations found in the U.S. could have recruited between 20,000 and 30,000 people to work for the CCP, knowingly or unknowingly.
According to The Wall Street Journal, Chinese hometown associations were developed into “partners” by the CCP in the past decade, helping the Party influence political discourse in the United States. For example, Sun was used by the Henan Hometown Association for its United Front Work.
The latest statistics from The Wall Street Journal also found there are more than 100 such hometown associations in New York City alone. They work for the CCP’s intelligence agencies: some steal commercial and technological secrets, some help the CCP operate secret police stations and suppress dissidents and Falun Gong practitioners across borders, and some work undercover in the U.S. government to influence its position on matters involving the CCP’s interests.
Infiltration Across Europe
CCP agents have also been active in Germany, Britain, France, and other countries. On January 13, 2025, the documentary France-China: The Secret War revealed the CCP’s covert espionage in France—from politics, culture, and technology to the military. The CCP is eager to catch up to other countries quickly by repeatedly trying to steal and copy France’s advantages.
In the United Kingdom, The Times reported on the arrest of a congressional researcher with a parliamentary pass who worked for years with MPs on international policy, including relations with Beijing. He previously lived and worked in China, and security officials suspect he was recruited as an agent there and sent back to the U.K. with the intention of infiltrating political networks that are critical of the Beijing regime.
The suspected infiltration into Parliament aroused widespread vigilance in the U.K. Ken McCallum, head of MI5, warned that the CCP poses the “most game-changing strategic challenge” to the U.K. The CCP’s United Front Work Department even established ties to members of the royal family and has been found by a court to be engaged in political interference.
In 2023, a report released by the British Parliamentary Intelligence and Security Committee stated that the CCP’s national goal is very simple: it is to ensure that the CCP continues to be in power, and everything else is subordinate to this goal. Almost all of the CCP’s global activities revolve around fighting the U.S. The CCP’s intelligence agencies target those interested in Taiwan independence, Tibetan independence, Xinjiang separatism, and the Chinese democracy movement, as well as Falun Gong. The focus of the CCP’s intelligence work in the U.K. is to create division between the U.K. and the U.S. on their China policies.
The CCP’s theft of scientific and technological achievements in Europe and its united front work among the upper echelons of Europe are all aimed at overtaking the U.S. and destroying the relationship between the U.S. and Europe.
Shakespeare once said, “Often, to win us to our harm, instruments of darkness tell truths. Win us with honest trifles, to betray us in deepest consequence.”
If the U.S. hadn’t vigorously promoted the CCP’s entry into the World Trade Organization in 2001, if the U.S. hadn’t opened its doors to train talent that would then return to China to benefit the communist regime, and if large amounts of American funds hadn’t been injected into China, the CCP wouldn’t have been able to accumulate such huge financial resources, nor would it be able to shoot “sugar-coated bullets” to divide the West and ultimately control the world.
Learning from Past Lessons
Irish playwright George Bernard Shaw once lamented, “If history repeats itself, and the unexpected always happens, how incapable must Man be of learning from experience.”
The opening sentence of The Communist Manifesto states, “A spectre is haunting Europe—the spectre of communism.” This specter has long disguised itself with terms like “freedom,” “progress,” and “awakening” to deceive people into abandoning tradition, morality, and faith in the divine. The degree to which the specter has realized its strategy of dominating the world in all aspects, including culture, art, economics, science and technology far exceeds most people’s comprehension.
The final war between good and evil is here. Only when we spurn the evil of communism from the bottom of our hearts, can mankind truly return to goodness and realign ourselves with the divine.
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