(Minghui.org) Falun Dafa practitioners participated in the annual Snowdown Light Parade in Durango, Colorado, on January 31, 2025. This was the third year in a row they have participated in this event. The parade is a highlight of Durango’s ten-day celebration. Practitioners demonstrated the exercises on their float, which was decorated with lights and flowers. Many spectators told practitioners how beautiful their float was and that they looked forward to seeing them next year.  

People said they admired the practitioners’ float and the words “Truthfulness-Compassion-Forbearance.”

Practitioners Interviewed by a Local TV Station

This was Durango’s 46th Snowdown Festival, and its Light Parade boasts about 10,000 spectators. The original intent of the Snowdown Festival was to boost people’s spirits during the cold winter in this quaint town in the southern Rocky Mountains. In line with this, the theme of practitioners’ float this year was “Heavenly Plum Blossoms.” Plum blossoms are a beautiful flower that can withstand severe cold, symbolizing the arrival of spring and the spread of Falun Dafa from the East to the West, bringing people a message of hope.

The local TV station, Durango News, interviewed a practitioner, who explained a bit about Falun Dafa and invited members of the community to come learn the exercises for free in local parks every Saturday.

One man said he was deeply moved when a practitioner handed him a flyer and invited him to learn the exercises at the local practice site.

Through practitioners’ regular participation in community activities, Falun Dafa has become well known in the area, bringing people a message of enlightenment and peace.

Practitioners’ Families Participate in the Parade

Compared to previous years, the temperature this year was relatively warm, which encouraged more people to participate in the event, including members of practitioners’ families. The brother of one practitioner drove a float in the parade last year and did so again this year. Another practitioner’s husband has videoed the float in the parade for three years running and then created social media posts. Another practitioner’s sister, who has just started practicing, has distributed leaflets during the parade for the past two years.

Practitioners distribute fliers to people along the parade route.

This year, practitioners in Durango welcomed three new practitioners to the event. One of them, who is from Azteca, often goes to the local practice site. She was pleased to participate in the parade, hand out fliers, and tell people how she has benefited from practicing Falun Dafa.

All the new practitioners and their families were excited about participating in the event. They have expressed their willingness to help build a better and more creative float and expand their participation in other parades in the area.