(Minghui.org) Practicing Falun Dafa has improved my physical and mental health. I am in my 80s, with great vision and hearing, rosy cheeks, and nimble legs and feet. Even my hair has gradually turned black. No matter where I go, I tell people about the health benefits of practicing Falun Dafa, using myself as an example.

My sister is five years younger and used to be in very poor health. She would get out of breath with the slightest physical exertion. In October 2022, she was diagnosed with severe heart disease (myocardial hypertrophy) and the doctor suggested she go to the largest cardiac hospital in Beijing for open-heart surgery.

In the middle of her surgery, the surgeon came out and warned her family, “She’s too old and may not survive the surgery. If she does, I highly recommend that she go home to recuperate and she just might live for another six months.”

My sister stayed with me temporarily after she was discharged. I had always wanted to introduce Dafa to her, and now was a good time. As soon as I brought up the topic of Dafa, she sat up and excitedly told me that she’d wanted to learn the practice for a long time but didn’t have a copy of Zhuan Falun, the main book of Falun Dafa.

A practitioner brought her a copy and told her to read it carefully and follow the principles. As long as she was sincere, she would get better. I also told her to recite “Falun Dafa is good, Truthfulness-Compassion-Forbearance is good” whenever she had time.

She took the book home and in a letter two months later, she wrote, “I have great news! I’m now able to walk and I even went to a nearby market! I no longer get out of breath. I finished reading the book twice and have just started it for the third time. Plus, I recite the auspicious phrases daily!”

It was a miracle that someone terminally ill could recover in just two months!

She called me in May 2023. She had traveled all the way from northeastern China to southern China to visit her son and take care of her granddaughter. She said that she had completely recovered, and no one would guess that she had once been on the verge of death. She did a lot of shopping and cooking.

When she thanked me for introducing Falun Dafa to her, I told her that Master Li, the founder of Falun Dafa, had renewed her life, and she should thank Master. She continued reading the book and reciting the phrases daily.

Later, the hospital followed up on my sister and was very surprised to learn about her recovery. Her doctor asked my niece, “Your mother had a serious case of heart disease. Even the surgery couldn’t save her. How did she get well?”

My sister is a classic example of how practicing Falun Dafa saves people’s lives. After the persecution began, the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) spread lies saying that the practice was harmful to people’s health. I tell this story to help people wake up to the CCP’s lies and not be deceived. For the safety and happiness of you and your family, listen carefully to the truth about Falun Dafa. Quit the CCP and its organizations and remember the life-saving phrases “Falun Dafa is good, Truthfulness-Compassion-Forbearance is good.”