(Minghui.org) I’m an 82-year-old Dafa practitioner from the countryside. Before practicing cultivation, I had endured hardship since I was young, and after getting married, I couldn’t escape poverty. My husband was weak, often ill, and incompetent. I was in a state of despair, living for the sake of my three children. My eldest daughter had been married for just a year when she took her own life over a small matter by ingesting poison. It came out of the blue, breaking my heart. My spirits plummeted to rock bottom, and I couldn’t find a way to suppress my sorrow. I cried all day. I felt like I couldn’t go on living. Life was already hard, and this fatal blow caused my health to collapse. The suffering was unbearable!

I was fortunate to come across Falun Dafa in October 1998, and I gradually emerged from my grief. I felt incredibly lucky to be able to cultivate in Dafa and escape the sea of suffering in this mortal world. Through studying the Fa, I gradually came to understand that everything that happens in life is a result of karma from previous lives. Dafa changed me. My heart became more open, and I no longer complained about life’s unfairness. I often reminded myself to cultivate diligently and follow Master to return to my true home.

Over thirty people in our village were practicing Falun Dafa at that time. Everyone was happy, and I joined them daily to study the Fa, do the exercises, and watch Master’s video lecture series. All of my ailments disappeared without my even noticing, and my past troubles gradually faded away.

We had received the wonderful great way of the universe, and felt it was important to tell more people about Falun Dafa. We often went to other villages to demonstrate the exercises and spread the practice. A particularly miraculous event happened shortly after I obtained the Fa. There was a flu outbreak, and many people in the village got sick, except for us practitioners. Even the villagers found it incredible, and remarked how great Falun Dafa was. We were just happy and didn’t know that Master was bearing this karmic burden for us. Looking back now, I feel immense gratitude for Master.

In 1999, former CCP leader Jiang Zemin, driven by jealousy, used the entire nation’s resources to frantically persecute and suppress Falun Gong. In April of that year, over 40 practitioners were arrested in Tianjin. On April 25, six practitioners from our village went to the Appeals Office in Beijing to join the unprecedented protest, leaving a mark in history.

Jiang Zemin issued an order on July 20 for a nationwide crackdown on Falun Dafa, leading to mass arrests and torture of practitioners. The entire country was enveloped in fear, and our village was no exception. There were no practitioners in the surrounding villages, so our village became a focal point of the persecution. Township officials and police came by daily to visit each household and use every means possible to force practitioners to give up their practice.

Some newer practitioners were scared since they didn’t have a deep understanding of the Fa. Out of all the practitioners in our village who initially practiced, only three or four of us continued despite the pressure. Our families were also constantly living in fear. We were very confused and didn’t know what to do.

After a period of time, some practitioners from other areas came to share their experiences and encouraged us to step forward and validate the Fa. They also brought the truth clarification materials. Two older practitioners dared not distribute them, so I partnered with another practitioner of my age. We went to villages at night to distribute the materials. For three to four years, we covered over 20 nearby villages, sometimes returning home as late as 3:00 a.m.

We later established our own materials production site. During the daytime, we went to different markets to distribute the materials, clarify the truth, and help people quit the CCP and its youth organizations.

The persecution destroyed many practitioners’ lives, and eventually I was the only one in our village still practicing. The CCP’s lies poisoned countless people, which is truly heinous. Thinking of the hardships Master has endured, and the many people waiting to be saved, I was determined to persist in this mission despite the difficulties.

Seeing my sincere wish to save people, Master arranged for a practitioner from another area to take me out on an electric vehicle to distribute the materials. We distributed Minghui desk calendars, wall calendars, flyers, booklets, copies of the Nine Commentaries on the Communist Party, and The Ultimate Goal of Communism. We reached out to many people and helped them quit the Party.

Under Master’s compassionate protection, we worked together smoothly for several years. Now that I am older, I don’t want to trouble other practitioners. There are high-rise buildings near my home, so I ride my bicycle to distribute the materials in the buildings, and make a note of where I’ve been to avoid duplication. With Master’s protection, I’ve covered many residential complexes over the years. On my cultivation path, I have encountered several tribulations and dangers, but with Master always by my side I have overcome them with righteous thoughts.

I’m in excellent health and haven’t had a need to take any medications for over 20 years. Everyone I’ve met praises the extraordinary benefits of Dafa. In our small village, over twenty people have suffered strokes, and none of the villagers my age can live without medication. When they saw my son, they often exclaimed, “Your mother hasn’t practiced Falun Dafa in vain! Look how healthy she is!” My son often encourages them to practice Falun Dafa too.

When my son visited some relatives last year, they asked him how I was. He told them I was in great shape, and that I was still helping harvest the walnuts in our fields.

I owe my joyous life to Master’s compassionate salvation. He lifted me from hell, cleansed me, and has bestowed a supreme honor upon me. Master’s immense grace is beyond words. The only way to repay Master is to cultivate myself well, fulfill my vows, and return to my heavenly home.