(Minghui.org) I am a 74-year-old female practitioner residing in a rural area in Shandong Province. I used to suffer from many illnesses and couldn’t do farm work in the fields. After starting to practice Falun Dafa in 1998 I recovered from all of my illnesses, and I could do all the farm work.

I went to a fellow practitioner’s home to study the Fa one night in March 2024. We talked for a long time without reading the Fa earnestly. The next morning, after I got up and finished doing the exercises, I suddenly became dizzy, vomited, and couldn’t walk. I went to bed and lay down for a while, but I was still not well. At this time, I realized that the night before I was talking about ordinary people’s things during the Fa study, and that the time for cultivation was the most precious. I hurried to Master’s picture and admitted that I was wrong. I recovered in less than an hour, I was fine, my legs didn’t hurt anymore, and I was able to do my work.

This false appearance was because I didn’t take Dafa’s requirements seriously. Additionally, when I went out to clarify the truth about Dafa to people, I did it with a selfish motive, fearing that I would be left behind, fearing that when cultivation ends, Dafa practitioners would reach consummation, and I would not be able to face the higher beings.

Let me talk about another incident that took place in my family. When my son was riding his bicycle home from the night shift, he was hit by a car and knocked unconscious in the fall of 2012. It was midnight and no one saw him. The driver, seeing that he was having difficultly breathing, took out 400 yuan and put it next to him, then drove away. I don’t know how long it took, but my son woke up, saw the money, and that his bike was broken apart. He picked up his cell phone and called his workplace, which had someone take him to the hospital. After a full body checkup, they found that he was fine, except for a skin break on his leg. My son was carrying a Dafa truth amulet and had quit the Chinese Communist Party (CCP} and youth organizations. I believe he was blessed by Dafa. Thank you, Master!

At another time, after I participated in the legal complaints against Jiang Zemin in 2015, the local police harassed me several times a year. When they asked me to sign a statement that I would no longer practice Falun Gong (also called Falun Dafa), I said, “I’d still cultivate even if my head was cut off. All my illnesses were cured by practicing Falun Gong.” When the village secretary heard what I said, he burst out laughing. Because in the past I had given Dafa materials and amulets to him, the head of the village committee, and the staff, and had told them the truth, they all did the three withdrawals and knew that Falun Dafa is good. The people from the government and the police station stood still, so I turned around and left. Since then, they never came to my home again. With Master's protection, I made it through.

From now on, I will take my cultivation seriously, and I will always listen to Master and save more people. Thank you Master for your compassion!