(Minghui.org) Falun Dafa practitioners held a rally in front of the Chinese Embassy in Ottawa urging the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) to end the 25-year-long persecution. They also requested the release of all imprisoned practitioners, including those who have Canadian relatives.

Falun Dafa practitioners held a rally in front of the Chinese Embassy in Ottawa on July 15, 2024, urging the CCP to end the persecution.

Jack MacLaren, former Member of the Provincial Parliament (MPP) of the Legislative Assembly of Ontario, attended the rally and gave a speech, expressing his support and respect for Falun Gong practitioners. 

Jack MacLaren, former Member of the Provincial Parliament of the Legislative Assembly of Ontario, and his wife express their support and admiration for Falun Dafa practitioners. 

Jack MacLaren, former MPP, addresses the rally on July 15, 2024. 

“We are here to remember that people who are members of the Falun Gong have suffered under the terrible oppression from the CCP,” said Mr. MacLaren. “The Chinese Communist Party, an evil entity that is persecuting innocent people, for their right to practice their belief, your faith and your meditation practices. You are peaceful people who are nothing but an asset to any country where you choose to live. In Canada, we know that and we thank you for being here. 

“We admire you for your perseverance and your tolerance of these people who are evil and have been arresting you, imprisoning you, and torturing your people. The terrible practice of harvesting human organs has been carried out on Falun Gong, a heinous crime.”

During an interview later, Mr. MacLaren said, “To [all Falun Gong practitioners worldwide], I would say just keep up the work. Keep up your faith.” 

The US House of Representatives passed a bill, the Falun Gong Protection Act, H.R.4132, on June 25, 2024. It requires that the United States impose sanctions on those in China who participate in and assist the CCP’s forced organ harvesting. The sanctions include freezing property in the United States, banning entry, denying visas, and imposing a maximum fine of one million US dollars and imprisonment of up to 20 years. At present, the bill still needs to be passed in the Senate and signed by the president before becoming a law.

“It’s always good to hear of any government or any legislation condemning the Chinese Communist government for their evil actions,” said Mr. MacLaren. “And it is wonderful to see the American government taking steps to progress through the House. And then we should do the same thing here in Canada.” 

Stopping the CCP’s Interference

The CCP’s persecution of Falun Gong has long extended to Canada. Canadian citizen Sun Qian and the relatives of eleven other Canadian citizens are still illegally detained in China because they practice Falun Gong. Several months ago, a 130-page comprehensive report revealed the CCP’s intimidation and surveillance in Canada, including threatening family members in China, canceling or not renewing passports, attacking websites and emails, and issuing death or bomb threats.

Mr. MacLaren said that Bill C-70: An Act respecting countering foreign interference, issued recently by Canada, is a good way to prevent CCP interference.

“We have just got to make sure it has more teeth, power and authority. But we need to do whatever it takes to stop foreign interference, especially Chinese Communist Party’s interference. They’ve got to be the worst offenders of all,” he said. 

A Practitioner’s First-hand Account of the CCP’s Persecution

Practitioner Wang Yang, a senior engineer in a multinational software company, recalled how he rushed to the Chinese State Council Petition Office on July 22, 1999, to call for an end to the persecution. He said the experience is still vivid in his mind.

He remembers that many Falun Gong practitioners gathered on Fuyou Street in Beijing that day to tell the government, “We hope that the government can hear our voice and make the right choice.”

Wang Yang said, “The Falun Gong practitioners were very quiet. Then, the armed police took us one by one, and threw us into buses. Whether it was a pregnant woman or a child, there were no exceptions. We were taken to a stadium and detained for one day. Afterwards, the overwhelming TV and newspapers began their hate propaganda.”

At that time Mr. Wang had practiced Falun Gong for only one year. He formerly had multiple illnesses but became healthy soon after he took up the practice. However, he was illegally incarcerated in a forced labor camp for his belief in Truthfulness, Compassion, and Forbearance.

Mr. Wang said that in the labor camp, the guards tortured and brainwashed Falun Gong practitioners. “We were gathered in a very small room, and sat on small, hard stools all day. They forced us to watch those slanderous videos repeatedly, and after watching them, they attempted to force us to give up practicing. 

“Many Falun Gong practitioners stood up to stop the persecution, and they were tortured. But many people were very determined at that time. They believed that Falun Gong was righteous. No matter what kind of torture or brainwashing they faced, no matter what kind of pressure they faced, everyone was steadfast in their belief.”

Due to the military background of his former work unit, Mr. Wang was not tortured, but he saw other practitioners being tortured. “They used electric batons, at least seven or eight, to shock one person. Inmates were instigated to cover an elderly man in his 70s with a blanket and beat him. This kind of torture was common. Some practitioners went on hunger strikes. They were force-fed. There were also practitioners who were tortured to death.”

Over the course of the persecution, Mr. Wang never stopped telling the public about the CCP’s brutality. Twenty-five years have passed, and he still firmly believes that justice will eventually prevail.