Image for article Another Wave of Infections and Cover-Up in China

A perspective on the current situation in China indicates “that the pandemic in China is really not over.” The article refers to traditional wisdom for the solution to this catastrophe, noting that the situation has been more severe where the persecution of Falun Gong has been the worst.

Image for article What Is the Real Population of China?

While China's official 2023 population survey results reported 0.15% fewer inhabitants than in 2022, others claim that the actual decrease is far greater.

Image for article Russia: Group Fa-Study and Experience Sharing Held in the New Year

Practitioners in Russia celebrated the New Year by gathering to read the Falun Dafa teachings, do the exercises, and exchange cultivation experiences. 

Image for article Jilin Man Gets Four Years after Brutal Arrest and Secret Trial

According to witnesses, police officers kicked him down, held him face down, and handcuffed him behind his back. Then they grabbed his legs and dragged him all the way across two front yards and up the street to their car.

Image for article Helping My Daughter Break Through Ordinary People’s Mentality

"A dead end situation for an ordinary person opens a new world for a practitioner." A mother helps her daughter handle a difficult situation based on Dafa’s teachings so that she can appreciate what it means to be a true cultivator.

Image for article Private School Owner Tried for His Faith in Falun Gong

It was apparent to Mr. Zhang Xuefu's family that his hearing was just a formality and that the prosecutor's suggested prison term of three years and two months had been decided upon long before the trial.

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