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What Is True Happiness

Jan. 12, 2024 |   By a Falun Dafa practitioner outside of China

(Minghui.org) I recently watched a movie about Christmas. Hundreds of elves lived happily with Santa Claus and his wife in a Christmas village. One elf began to think highly of himself and was jealous because Santa Claus cared for the other elves. The elf’s thoughts became dark—he started fights, wanted to destroy everything, and even thought he was better than Santa Claus.

When the elf failed, Santa Claus and his wife called him back. They disregarded his bad behavior and treated him as their own child. He understood what he did was wrong and became what he had always been—one of the many happy elves.

True Happiness

I realized happiness is not about highlighting oneself or becoming arrogant. When a person’s thoughts are dark he cannot be happy. True happiness comes when one unselfishly cooperates with others—forgets about one’s self-interests, and helps each other. As a result, one feels the happiness the universe bestows on every individual.

When one’s heart becomes dark, no matter how powerful one may seem on the surface, the person will not be happy because this goes against the characteristics of the universe. When the elf’s mindset changed, just like a drop of water, he became part of the vast ocean and was once again happy.

Master told us,

“You’re each a particle. And in my eyes nobody is better than anyone else, since I scooped all of you up at the same time.” (Teachings Given on Lantern Festival Day, 2003)

The movie reminded me of the demonic interference from one’s own mind Master Li’s (Dafa’s founder) mentioned in Zhuan Falun. Once this mentality appears, it’s not easy to eliminate. Santa Claus and his wife used different ways to awaken the elf and help him. No matter how badly he behaved, Santa Claus still treated him as a beloved child and waited for his return.

No matter what kind of disciple one is, Master always treats us with compassion. Some practitioners are in danger due to their inflated egos or they may have developed certain thoughts about Dafa or Master. I want to tell them: Master is waiting for you, return to being one of the countless particles! Master’s compassion is great.

The elf was jealous because Santa Claus loved the other elves. He felt that he was different and should be treated specially.

Master taught us,

“But as a member of today’s humankind, especially as a member of Dafa disciples, there are two things you absolutely cannot do: one is to deceive Master! And the second is to interfere with the salvation of sentient beings! Because this is the ultimate demarcation, determining whether a being stays or goes. Even just touching the line isn’t allowed!” (“Treat Master’s Family Members Properly

Master treats all lives equally with the same compassion. If we interfere with the salvation of others it’s a serious crime and something we must not do. Many times the starting point of a practitioner’s stepping off the path is when he or she begins to think highly of themselves.

Master said,

“Everything through the ages,came about for the Fa” (“Just a Play,” Hong Yin II)

It occurred to me that many things in this world exist for the Fa and can be used to validate Dafa. Perhaps that’s what this film is about.

Truly Cultivating

One practitioner said she often felt happy because she practiced cultivation. I was very touched, but wondered: Why didn’t I feel this happiness?

I thought about it and found that I was still attached to what always made me happy before I began practicing: The excitement that came from achieving fame and making money.

After I began practicing, the happiness I felt was also due to “good things”: either when other practitioners acknowledged me, or when a project I was involved in did well, etc. I was still seeking “gain” by being acknowledged. In fact, this was not happiness, but a kind of excitement that came from achieving “good things.”

I realized from the Fa that a cultivator should not be excited by any “good things,” but should remain unmoved, no matter what happens.

I recently came to understand that happiness is not due to benefits gained by oneself, but rather a feeling of being selfless and being for others. It is difficult for selfish people to feel true happiness—they only know the excitement brought by stimulation.

From the Fa, I understand that everything is governed by the characteristics of the universe, Truthfulness, Compassion, and Forbearance. A selfless person’s xinxing is more in line with these characteristics, so he will be given happiness; while a selfish person’s nature deviates from these characteristics, so he never truly feels happy. This may be why many modern people may appear to be very successful and enjoy fame and money, but they are actually unhappy or even depressed.

When I felt proud of myself because of my “strengths” the feeling was not happiness, but a kind of arrogance accompanied by complacency, and I even looked down on others. I was excited because I felt I achieved some results when I was involved in a project, I was happy because I had gained in cultivation.

Behind this feeling is a strong human heart. When you achieve something, you are happy, and when you don’t, you are disappointed.

The practitioner who said that she often felt happy was because she always felt calm and peaceful. She is simple, kindhearted, and composed and never selfish or egotistical. Even though I’ve practiced for years, I’m still self-centered and selfish. I think this is the fundamental difference between her and me.

This is my current understanding. Please point out anything that is not in accordance with the Fa.

[Editor’s note: This article only represents the author’s understanding at their current cultivation level and is meant for sharing among practitioners so that we can “Compare with one another in study, in cultivation.” (“Solid Cultivation,” Hong Yin)]