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In Prison for His Belief, Shanxi Man in Life-Threatening Condition Due to Hunger Strike and Torture

Jan. 11, 2024 |   By a Minghui correspondent in Shanxi Province, China

(Minghui.org) Mr. Hou Lijun, 52, from Taiyuan City, Shanxi Province, was forced to live away from home for over 20 years to avoid being persecuted for practicing Falun Gong. After being arrested on April 25, 2023, he was sentenced to a 10-year-term and admitted to Jinzhong Prison in early June 2023. He started a hunger strike shortly after his arrest and was tortured in prison for remaining firm in his faith. He is now in a life-threatening condition and has been transferred to the 109th Police Hospital in Taiyuan City, the capital of Shanxi.

When his family asked to visit Mr. Hou, Pan Fang, manager of the Prison Affairs Office, refused to allow it. The family also contacted Jinzhong Prison and the 109th Police Hospital numerous times, requesting for a visit, but there was no progress.

Mr. Hou Lijun (top left), his mother Ms. Kang Shuqin (lower left), father (lower right), and sister (top right)

20 Years on the Run and Mother’s Death

Mr. Hou and his mother Ms. Kang Shuqin were arrested along with 62 other practitioners in Taiyuan on October 1, 2002. Labeled as a “10.1” major case, the mass arrest was directed by Bai Guobao and Yang Meixi, director and deputy directory of Wanbailin Police Department. Several other officers such as Zhang Jiangang, Liang Zhiqiang, and Qin Feng were also involved. Of the 64 practitioners, 23 were sentenced to prison and numerous were given forced labor camp terms. Six of them have died as a result of the persecution.

Mr. Hou started a hunger strike to protest the detention. He managed to escape 16 weeks later. To avoid further persecution, he was forced to stay away from home for the next 20 years. Since his family was being closely monitored, he dared not contact them.

Ms. Kang, formerly a teacher at the Taiyuan 45th Middle School, was sentenced to 11 years in Shanxi Women’s Prison. She was shocked with electric batons, beaten, held in solitary confinement, deprived of sleep, and administered drugs against her will. The authorities continued to monitor and harass her after her release. She died in 2020. In addition to her prison term, she was detained two more times (including in a labor camp) in the early years of the persecution.

Ms. Kang’s passing devastated her husband, who suffered a stroke and became incapacitated. His condition worsened after Mr. Hou’s latest arrest and he passed away on June 23, 2023.

Recent Arrest

Mr. Hou was arrested on April 25, 2023, by Jinyuan District Police Department officers in Taiyuan City and held in the Taiyuan City First Detention Center. He went on a hunger strike to protest the persecution.

Gao Aiping, a Wanbailin District Court judge who processed Mr. Hou’s case in 2002, sentenced him to 10 years without having a hearing. Mr. Hou appealed to the Taiyuan City Intermediate Court, but the primary verdict was upheld and he was taken to Jinzhong Prison.

In the High Alert Division (also known as the Training Division), Mr. Hou was deprived of sleep for several days and forced to sit still on a small bench for long periods of time. This led to difficulty urinating and lower back pain. He was later transferred to the Second Division, where he continued his hunger strike.

Torture illustration: Forced to sit still on a small bench for a long time

Mr. Hou is now in a life-threatening condition, his blood pressure at 220/130 mmHg. He also suffers from pain plus difficulty urinating. He was taken to the 109 Police Hospital on January 7, 2024.

Perpetrators’ Contact Information:

Pan Fang (潘芳), manager of the Prison Affairs Office: +86-15303545736Zhang Zhiming (张志明), guard of Second Division: +86-15333423366Dong Dehai (董德海), guard of Second Division: +86-15303545869Zhang Jun (张俊), guard of Second Division: +86-15303545849Zhang Wengang (张文刚), guard of Second Division: +86-15303545798Zhang Yong (张勇), guard of Second Division: +86-13935489006Kang Jie (康杰), guard of Second Division: +86-13803459233Li Jianxin (李建新), manager of Second Division: +86-13633541850

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