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Young Woman Develops Heart Disease in Prison, Still Forced to Do Hard Labor

July 10, 2023 |   By a Minghui correspondent in Heilongjiang Province, China

(Minghui.org) Ms. Liu Kaixin, around 31, developed heart disease as a result of the abuse she suffered while serving three years for her faith in Falun Gong, yet she is still being forced to do hard labor without pay.

Ms. Liu, a native of Songling District, Daxing’anling Prefecture, Heilongjiang Province, was arrested on September 5, 2021 while doing odd jobs in Jiagedaqi District, Daxing’anling Prefecture. The arresting officers were from the Songling District Police Station. 

The Songling District Court sentenced Ms. Liu to three years and she was transferred to the Heilongjiang Province Women’s Prison (located in the capital city of Harbin) on June 16, 2022.

Ms. Liu is not the first in her family to be targeted for their shared faith in Falun Gong. She lost three loved ones to the persecution in five years. Her maternal grandfather passed away on July 15, 2007, her father died in 2008, and her paternal grandmother perished on March 21, 2012. 

Abused in Prison

In order to achieve a high “transformation” rate (percentage of jailed Falun Gong practitioners who are forced to renounce their faith), the Heilongjiang Province Women’s Prison specifically picks ruthless criminals to persecute practitioners.

These criminals were either made head inmates or team captains in charge of work production or other tasks. They are given free reign in abusing Falun Gong practitioners, and nothing is deemed excessive as long as they can make practitioners renounce their belief. The guards often turn a blind eye when these criminals torture practitioners. To ensure the continued persecution of practitioners, the guards have offered various rewards to these criminals, including special privileges to move about in different cells, term reductions, more food and daily necessities, and more phone calls with their families.

Some criminals were even allowed to mete out rewards and punishments to other non-practitioner inmates without seeking the guards’ permission. The guards’ purpose was to increase criminals’ loyalty to them in carrying out the persecution of Falun Gong practitioners.

Ms. Liu has been subjected to various forms of abuse at the hands of such criminals since her prison admission more than one year ago. 

For the first few months, she was held in the newcomers’ team. Wang Min, a 60-year-old Qiqihar resident serving 14 years for a serious crime, was the head inmate tasked with torturing steadfast Falun Gong practitioners. 

Wang forced Ms. Liu to sit on a small stool motionless for long periods of time, while forcing her to watch videos smearing Falun Gong. 

Ms. Liu soon developed heart disease. It is unclear whether she has received any medical attention.

A few months later, Ms. Liu was moved to a cell in Division Eight on the fifth floor, where she was abused by head inmate Liu Hong, 60 and serving 15 years for a white-collar crime. 

At the time of writing, Ms. Liu is held in a Division Eight cell on the sixth floor. Head inmate there, Chen Yang, in her 30s, was sentenced to life for dealing drugs. She took over from Sun Jing, who is now in charge of organizing inmates to do hard labor.

In addition to Wang, Liu, Chen, and Sun, Ms. Liu and other jailed practitioners have also been abused by several other inmates, including Gao Wentao and Yuan Jinfang. The torture methods used included savage beatings, sleep deprivation and denial of restroom use. One practitioner was once slapped in the face more than twenty times when she refused to renounce her faith.

Related Reports:

Having Lost Three Loved Ones, Young Woman Becomes Latest Victim of Persecution of Falun Gong in Family

Two Heilongjiang Residents Sentenced to Prison for Practicing Falun Gong