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Liaoning Man Serving Second Eight-Year Prison Term for His Faith, Disabled Since 2018 as a Result of Torture

Oct. 19, 2023 |   By a Minghui correspondent in Liaoning Province, China

(Minghui.org) A 50-year-old man serving a second 8-year term for his faith in Falun Gong has remained disabled since 2018 as a result of torture.

Mr. Fan Xuebin, a resident of Yingkou City, Liaoning Province, was arrested on June 18, 2016 and sentenced to prison around September 2017. He is serving time at the Dalian Prison in the same province. When his family visited him in September 2018, they noted that he was wheelchair-bound. He told them that he was tortured to the point of being unable to walk. Five years have passed since then, and Mr. Fan is still disabled. He is scheduled to be released in June 2024.

Arrest, Sentencing, and Torture in Prison

Mr. Fan was arrested by officers from the Xinxing Police Station on June 18, 2016 and taken to Yingkou City Detention Center, where he was tortured and forced to do hard labor without pay.

He appeared twice in the Zhanqian District Court, on February 14 and June 16, 2017. His lawyer entered a not guilty plea for him. The judge sentenced him to eight years in prison around September 2017. He appealed the verdict at the Yingkou City Intermediate Court, but the appeal was rejected. He was soon admitted to the Dalian Prison.

The heavy sentence came shortly after he returned home on January 28, 2015 from serving another 8 years in Panjin Prison, Liaoning Province, where he was frequently beaten by inmates. His ribs were broken, and he was unable to walk for a long time.

When Mr. Fan’s family visited him at the Dalian Prison in September 2018, they were shocked to see him coming out in a wheelchair, emaciated and pale. He said he had fluid accumulation in his knees and couldn’t walk anymore.

“Our hearts were very heavy seeing him being tortured like that. We can’t imagine how he spends every day inside the prison.” his family said.

Both of Mr. Fan’s parents have passed away. He has a sister with an intellectual disability, who relied solely on his care. After he was imprisoned, his family had to send his sister to an assisted living center.

Related reports:

Liaoning Man Sentenced to Second Eight-Year Prison Term for His Faith, Unable to Walk As a Result of Torture

Liaoning Man Tried Again for His Faith After Eight Years of Imprisonment, TortureFour Liaoning Practitioners Tried

Fan Xuebin, from Yingkou, Liaoning Province Tortured in an Iron Cage; His Face Disfigured