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Ms. Sun Min Loses Ability to Walk in Prison

March 11, 2018 |   By a Minghui correspondent in Liaoning Province

(Minghui.org) When Mr. Sun saw his daughter on February 7, 2018, he could hardly believe his eyes. His daughter, Sun Min, a once healthy and well-liked middle school teacher, was being carried out to the visitation room of Liaoning Women's Prison on someone's back. She could not walk. Though Ms. Sun Min was very weak, she was in good spirits when she saw her father and sister.

Ms. Sun Min of Liaoning Province was arrested in June 2016 for practicing Falun Gong, a spiritual practice being persecuted by the Chinese communist regime. She was given a seven-year prison sentence in July 2017.

A few days after she was taken to Liaoning Women's Prison, prison officials called Mr. Sun and told him that his daughter had been diagnosed with several serious ailments and was on the verge of death. They told him to send money for her medical expenses. Mr. Sun went to the prison in December, but officials refused to let him see her.

After more than two months, Mr. Sun was finally allowed to see his daughter, though their visit took place under close surveillance. Like all prisons in China, inmates at Liaoning Women's Prison cannot openly express their grievances to their families during visits. If they do, the guards will retaliate. The inmates cannot complain about working too much, not having enough to eat, being treated inhumanely, etc.

However, Ms. Sun's family suspects that she has been deprived of proper clothing and/or bedding. They also suspect that prison authorities have not let her purchase daily necessities as another form of punishment. When asked if she was cold, Ms. Sun replied, “Other people are not, but I am.” When asked if she needed money, Ms. Sun said, “Even if you give it to me, there is no way I can spend it.”

Related report:Father Not Allowed to Visit His Dying Daughter in Prison