(Minghui.org) Practitioners working in the Epoch Times newspaper, NTDTV, and phone-to-China teams outside of China celebrate World Falun Dafa Day and the 24th anniversary of Falun Dafa’s introduction to the public! They respectfully wish revered Master a Happy Birthday!

The well-wishers hail from the following places:

Global Telephone Team—Rescue Platform [making phone calls to China to rescue illegally detained practitioners]

Global Telephone Team—Rescue Platform [making phone calls to China to rescue illegally detained practitioners]

Global Telephone Team—Rescue Platform [making phone calls to China to rescue illegally detained practitioners]

Global Telephone Team—DHT Platform

Global Telephone Team

Global Telephone Team—Rescue Platform [making phone calls to China to rescue illegally detained practitioners]

Network Team outside of China

An overseas young practitioner

A team outside of China that targets directly to the evil in China

Global Telephone Team Platform for Young Practitioners