(Minghui.org) As the total number of people who have quit Chinese communist organizations has reached over 200 million, communist leaders are reconsidering the information they obtain from the Party's propaganda and seeking independent news sources for an update on China's current events.

For example, we witnessed our local city 610 Office chief secretly watching New Tang Dynasty Television (NTD), a network known for uncensored information including worldwide support of Falun Gong. The 610 Office is a Party-based security organization, established for the persecution of Falun Gong on June 10, 1999, hence the name 610.

The 200 million person milestone was reached on April 16. Practitioners confirmed the person's satellite dish the next day. His official title includes law enforcement chief. The job entails executing the 610 Office's directive of persecuting Falun Gong practitioners.

He is in his 40s and has been active on the job. However, recently he seemed to have lost focus. Practitioners heard from insiders that he had been watching NTD at home and confirmed this with an in-person visit.