(Minghui.org) I started practicing cultivation in Dafa in 1997. As I write this article, I can hardly find words to describe the joy brought to me by the 16 years of amazing cultivation practice. Every time I assimilated further with the great Fa of Truthfulness-Compassion-Forbearance by following Master's teachings, wonderful and magnificent miracles came along. I grew a little stronger, too.

1. All Health Problems Disappeared

In the fall of 1997, a coworker gave me a copy of Zhuan Falun and told me, “Read it. Master said, 'At present, I am the only person genuinely teaching qigong towards high levels at home and abroad.'” (Lecture One, Zhuan Falun) Excitedly I read the book from cover to cover and felt as if a parched land had finally gotten rain. That very night, I saw all the Chinese characters rising up from the book and becoming colorful 3D characters. From then on, my room was full of colorful beams of light every night, like beautiful fireworks.

After the first time I practiced the exercises with the group, I vomited constantly on my way home. I knew Master was cleansing my body. Later on, as soon as I was not doing anything and no one else was around, Master cleansed my body again. One night when I was not busy at work and alone, I vomited violently and got rid of a lot of brown stuff from my stomach.

I had had a stomach problem since childhood, and things worsened after I gave birth. I easily got a headache over nothing, like being exposed to cold wind. In addition, my arrhythmia kept me from sleeping on my back. All these health problems had made my life miserable.

Now, after vomiting, I suddenly felt very refreshed, and all those problems were gone. I felt as if I was cleansed, even down into my bones. From then on, my mind became very clear, and I felt a kind of joy that I had never experienced before.

I had always been very timid. For example, I closed my curtains before it got dark and never went out at night. After practicing cultivation, I became bolder.

One night in 1997, soon after I obtained the Fa, I was taking a walk with a coworker in our residential quarters. She was afraid to go home because a homicide had just taken place in her neighbor's home. I was afraid, too, but I thought, “I'm a Dafa practitioner. I'll walk her home.” Strengthened by that thought, I walked her home. When I was ready to leave, I suddenly felt a lingering fear and became worried about going home by myself. Suddenly I saw a large colorful Falun rotating where the murder occurred. Knowing Master was encouraging me, I was deeply touched, and my heart was filled with warmth. Walking back, there was a rotating Falun at every turn all the way home.

One section of the road that leads to my residential quarters had no lights. I was always terrified going through that section at night. At the beginning of my cultivation practice, on my way to group practice, as soon as I got to this dark area, many small blue Faluns would fly over from the direction of the practice site to greet me. They would stay above me regardless of how fast I walked. I was no longer afraid of the dark.

Since practicing cultivation, I've experienced a lot more eyes in my body. Every particle in my dimensional field is an eye; each is crystal clear, and some are shiny. I can see very clearly all the Faluns and qi mechanisms obtained from Master, as well as my gong column from cultivation. My flesh eyes often emitted two beams of light. During the ensuing years, these things have encouraged me to advance diligently on the path of assisting Master to do Fa-rectification.

2. Miracles Occurred for My Son

In 2005, my mother-in-law came from the countryside and brought my younger son with her. She told me that my son had been diagnosed with a congenital heart disease. She also said a mole on his leg was growing too fast and he needed laser treatment for it. I comforted her by telling her that he would be fine. I told my son to repeat, “Falun Dafa is good; Truthfulness-Compassion-Forbearance is good.” Even though the persecution was quite severe at that time, my son shouted, “Falun Dafa is good! Truthfulness-Compassion-Forbearance is good!” My mother-in-law and my husband were both terrified. The next morning, while changing my son, we found the mole had become smaller, smaller than a grain of millet. Later on it was as small as the point of a needle.

I kept my son with me and often told him to recite, “Falun Dafa is good. Truthfulness-Compassion-Forbearance is good.” He is very healthy and never gets sick. One day when we crossed the street, a car drove by very fast and hit him with its front wheel, knocking him into the air. He landed on the sidewalk. I ran over to him, thinking of the principles that Master had taught. I held him up and found him unscathed. I asked him if he was scared, and he said he wasn't. I comforted the driver, “Don't worry, he's fine. We are Falun Gong practitioners.” People found it incredible, but I knew, when you have assimilated to Truthfulness-Compassion-Forbearance, Master has the power to turn back the tide.

3. A Breast Tumor Disappeared

Since the evil Chinese Communist Party (CCP) started persecuting Falun Gong in July 1999, I have been illegally detained twice, causing great financial loss to my family. For several years that followed, I was busy making money to make up the family income, and this affected my cultivation practice.

By the end of 2008, I found lumps in both breasts, and the nearby lymph nodes were swollen. At the time, two of my acquaintances had undergone surgery for breast cancer. With my understanding of Dafa, I faced the situation with confidence. I quit my job and focused on cultivation practice.

Over 10 days later, I could squeeze pus out of one breast. My husband brought me tissues, and I squeezed out all the pus that was mixed with blood, but I didn't feel any pain. My husband saw that I didn't even have a fever for something this serious. He understood that it was my practice of Dafa that healed me, so he no longer objected to my practicing. After a while, all the lumps disappeared.

4. Saving People with Predestined Relationships

My coworker's husband suffered from a lumbar spine-bone hyperplasia and had been in bed for more than 10 days. They were going to operate on him, when I found out about it.

I went to visit him and told him, “It will take a long time to recover after surgery. Falun Dafa is a practice of both mind and body. It not only improves mental health, but also strengthens your physical body.” He said he was interested, so I gave him my audio version of Master's lectures.

The next day, my coworker called me and invited me over. She told me as soon as I arrived, “I didn’t want him to have surgery, but he never listened. Now, as soon as you left, he changed his mind. Please teach me the exercises, so that I can teach him.” I taught her the exercises and stressed that studying the Fa is the most important.

A few days later, I heard that her husband had gone to work. Now her entire family is practicing Falun Dafa.

Around almost the same time, my younger brother came from the countryside to have surgery. He had lumbar spinal stenosis, which prevented him from lying down, and he had not slept for three days. First, I told him to repeat, “Falun Dafa is good. Truthfulness-Compassion-Forbearance is good.” He was very impatient, but he had to stay overnight in my home because he had to have an MRI test the next day.

I played the DVD of Master’s lecture in Guangzhou for him. He watched half of it and could not go on because of pain. He wanted to go out for a walk. I said, “You will have to endure all kinds of pain after surgery. Now you only need to endure a little discomfort. Perhaps the pain will be gone after you finish watching the video.” He finished watching the first lecture. As it turned out, his pain was gone, and he was able to sleep through the night.

The next morning, I asked him if he still wanted to get an MRI. He said, “The pain’s gone, so there is no need for an MRI anymore. Let’s keep watching the video.” He finished watching the second lecture and brought the DVDs home with him. Later on, when any of his friends got sick, he would tell them to practice Falun Dafa.

I have an aunt in her 70s. I once ran into her while visiting my hometown, and I clarified the truth to her. She said, “What you said is so true. Falun Dafa sounds so great, I want to learn.” A year later, I visited my hometown again and saw that her complexion was rosy and shiny. In her old age, she has managed to grow several mus (1 acre=6 mu) of cotton. Every time she does the sitting meditation, she washes her feet and changes into clean socks beforehand. She said it was showing respect to Master. I gave her some truth-clarification materials. She wanted more so that she could give them to her friends and relatives.

I gave her all the pamphlets that I had with me, and she gave them to her fellow villagers. From then on, even after many years, she no longer limped. Later on, she successfully persuaded some people to quit the Communist Party. She said, “Catastrophe is coming. I need to save more people.”

5. Miracles Occurred for My Mother

Since July 20, 1999, the evil CCP has poisoned the Chinese people with its vicious lies. The insane persecution against Truthfulness-Compassion-Forbearance has resulted in the collapse of entire social fabric. Falun Dafa is the only hope for sentient beings. As Dafa practitioners, it has become our mission to thoroughly clarify the truth and save sentient beings using the wisdom and compassion gained from our cultivation in Dafa. The process appears to be full of hardships, but it is accompanied by miracles. It often reminds me that Master is with us and Dafa’s mighty virtue shines through heaven and earth.

One day I brought some truth-clarification materials with me when I visited my mom. I had planned to give them to the other villagers. But as soon as I got there, my mother wanted me to leave, and she and my sister-in-law said mean things. I said to my mother, “It was quite an effort for me to get here. Let me stay a little longer with you.”

That night my mother developed many herpes pustules and was in a lot of pain. I bought medicine for her and looked after her. Her illness worsened the next day, and I couldn’t get out to distribute the truth-clarification materials.

I told myself that I must break through the situation. I knew Master and the righteous gods would help me if I went out and saved sentient beings. So I told my mother, “Please keep repeating, 'Falun Dafa is good. Truthfulness-Compassion-Forbearance is good.' I will go out and buy pain reliever for you.”

I took my bag with me and delivered the materials door-to-door in the moonlight. When I finished distributing the last copy, it was very late. Looking around, there was only one store on the street that still had it lights on--it was the drug store. I deeply believed that my mother had been taken care of by Master.

When I returned home, I heard my mother’s even snoring through the window. The next morning she told me, “I fell asleep as soon as you left, and slept through the entire night.” My mother had her own beliefs and knew that Dafa was good. After this incident, she started helping me clarify the truth and save sentient beings.

My mother-in-law lives further away in the countryside. I bring truth-clarification materials with me every time I visit her. One day, I planned to distribute the materials in the neighboring village before dawn. I prepared my route and got up very early to do it.

It was close to dawn. I looked ahead and saw a huge halo of various colors covering the entire sky. I hurried to the neighboring village and put the materials, including the Nine Commentaries on the Communist Party, a Shen Yun DVD, and Quitting the Party Handbook, on every door. The entire village was quiet and peaceful, with nobody in sight and no dogs barking, as if the people were holding their breath waiting for the blessings. When I came to the last door in the village, I saw that I was down to my last copy. Following that road further, I saw the entrance where I had entered the village.

It was already broad daylight, and the clouds in the east were a beautiful red. I took a deep breath of the fresh country air and wholeheartedly hoped that the villagers would understand the truth soon, and I sincerely wished them a bright future.