(Minghui.org) Practitioners from Bavaria traveled to Fürth, Germany recently to participate in the local Garden Festival. During the five-day event, they collected signatures, demonstrated the Falun Gong exercises, and clarified the truth.
Mother and daughter learn the Falun Gong exercises
Falun Gong practitioners demonstrate the exercises and clarify the truth
Passers-by were attracted to the gentle exercise movements and peaceful music. A young mother and daughter watched the first two exercises being performed, then enthusiastically joined in on the next two. Although her daughter was very young, she paid very close attention.
One lady stopped by to say that she was thankful to have had the opportunity to hear about Falun Gong and expressed a keen interest in learning the five exercises. She said she wasn't aware that the practice had spread to so many countries.
One elderly gentleman approached the Falun Gong booth holding a copy of Zhuan Falun in his hand. He had bought the book after reading a flyer in another city. He decided to read the book on his own, since there wasn't anyone else in Fürth practicing Falun Gong at that time.
When he heard that practitioners from surrounding cities were scheduled to attend the city-sponsored event, he knew that he had to come. He was very excited about meeting everyone and prepared a list of questions relating to the practice. He was both surprised and happy to find out that Master Li Hongzhi had written many other publications, too.
An elderly lady carefully watched each movement of the exercises. She then approached the practitioners and told them that she had been looking for a cultivation practice that she felt comfortable with. After a brief conversation, she decided that she wanted to start practicing Falun Dafa. She asked how much the book, Falun Gong cost, then realized that she didn't have enough money on her to buy the book. When she was told that she could have it for free, she was overjoyed. She promised to cherish the book and study it well.
The practitioners also collected signatures, petitioning the German government to investigate the Chinese Communist Party's crime of live organ harvesting.
A young lady signed the petition, then left her business card with the practitioners, asking them to keep her informed of the ongoing persecution in China. She took some Dafa-related fliers with her, saying that she would hand them out to some Chinese people at her university. As the festival wound down, many residents expressed that they were happy that practitioners had made the effort to introduce Falun Dafa in their city.
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