(Minghui.org) Falun Gong practitioners in Western Australia participated in the Mandurah City Christmas Parade on December 11, 2012.




Falun Gong practitioners in Western Australia in the Mandurah City Christmas Parade

Practitioners’ dragon dance, lion dance, and waist drum teamsalong with other Dafa performancesdelighted both local residents and tourists alike. The practitioners' majestic, golden, boat-like float was enjoyed by everyone. Printed on the white sails and on the front of the boat were the words: “Truth-Compassion-Forbearance,” the guiding principle of Falun Gong. The words, “Falun Dafa” were printed on both sides of the boat. There was a flag at the rear of the boat with the Chinese characters for “Falun Dafa is good.”

Inside the large lotus flower on the boat sat an older female practitioner in a golden costume, accompanied by two young practitioners. They all waved cheerily at the spectators and wished them Merry Christmas. Audience members warmly applauded and shouted, “Merry Christmas!”