Proclamations Recognize the Magnificence of Falun Dafa - Part 2

( continued from Part 1:

The Third Phrase: Cultivation Character

Whereas, The City of Doral recognizes Falun Dafa as an advanced exercise and meditation practice of mind and body that is based on ancient wisdom, improves energy circulation, and emphasizes the cultivation of character by following the universal principles of Truthfulness, Compassion and Tolerance

Support for NTDTV May Establish a Milestone for Freedom of the Press (Photos)

( Taiwan’s Chunghwa Telecom may not renew its contract with New Tang Dynasty Asia Pacific (NTDTV AP) Television because of the pressure from the Chinese Communist Party (CCP). NTDTV broadcasts over Chunghwa's satellites can be viewed in mainland China. Many people see the situation as a disgrace to freedom of the press, and at the same time as limiting the Chinese people's right to know. Chunghwa Telecom's refusal to renew is tantamount to persecuting Chinese people along with the CCP.

Practitioners in the Central Region of Taiwan Hold a Fa-study and Experience Sharing Meeting (Photo)

( Practitioners from the central region of Taiwan gathered on the afternoon of June 5, 2011, in the auditorium of the Irrigation Association Building in Yunlin, to study the


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