(Clearwisdom.net) Recently, Xiangtan, Hunan Province 610 Office officials arrested several Falun Gong practitioners, who were then taken to a detention center, brainwashing center, or psychiatric hospital.

1. Ms. Wang Duohong Arrested, Taken to Detention Center

On August 22, 2011, Xiangtan 610 Office director Ouyang Lin and Zhao Yuefeng arrested Ms. Wang Duohong, a Xiangtan practitioner who had become homeless for many years in order to avoid persecution. On September 29, 2011, Zhao Yuefeng and Liu Gui issued an order for her arrest and then took her to the Xiangtan Detention Center.

Informants said that Ms. Wang began a hunger strike to protest the persecution, but was taken to the Detention Center Hospital, where she was given forced injections of unknown drugs. Police tortured her during their interrogation and forged evidence of crimes against her.

2. Ms. Wu Xianmin, Ms. Yao Jianping, and Ms. Hu Yanhong Arrested and Taken to Detention Center

At approximately 9:00 a.m. on August 24, 2011, Ms. Wu Xianmin from the Xishe Sitie Niufu Community in Xiangtan went to visit Ms. Yao Jianping, another practitioner. Over ten officers from the Xiangtan Domestic Security Division and Yuetang Police Bureau broke into Ms. Yao's home, then confiscated two computers and one DVD burner. They arrested Ms. Wu and Ms. Yao and even the homeowner, Ms. Hu Yanhong. Ms. Hu, a former practitioner, was not released and is being held at the Xiangtan Detention Center. Ms. Wu was released and allowed to return home. Ms. Yao is being held in the Qilipu Detention Center in Xiangtan County. She has been tortured and is now showing symptoms of several health problems. Her family requested her release, but their request was denied.

3. Several Practitioners Detained at Wujia Garden Brainwashing Center

On March 9, 2011, Mr. Yang Shiyi, who had been imprisoned in Wangling Prison, You County, Hunan Province, was released and returned home. On the morning of September 27, 2011, he was picked up and taken to the Wujia Garden Brainwashing Center in Xiangtan.

On February 3 (the 2011 Chinese New Year), Ms. Lu Mengjun was released from Hunan Women's Prison and returned home. Last year, Mr. Wang Guilin was released from the Jin Prison in Changde, Hunan Province. They were also seized and taken to the Wujia Garden Brainwashing Center. Ms. Wu Cuiying, even though she was suffering from serious heart disease, was also detained in that brainwashing center.

That day, Ms. Lu Mengjun's younger brother criticized the officers to their faces, saying, “My sister was doing well at home. Why did you arrest her? You are simply gangsters.” An officer announced that he was interfering with public affairs and attempted to arrest him.

After October 1, 2011, Mr. Wang Guilin's wife went to the community office and other relevant locations to request the release of her husband.

At the brainwashing center, those in charge forced the practitioners to watch videos that slandered Falun Gong and pressured them to give up their belief by playing “wheel wars.” According to informants, one officer called Yao (from the Yuhu District, Xiangtan 610 Office) pressured practitioners to give up their beliefs, and write a repentance statement and the three statements. He threatened them, saying that if anyone refused to write the three statements, he or she would be sentenced to forced labor and that his or her son would be forced to drop out of school, along with other penalties.

Mr. Yang Shiyi refused to write the three statements due to his firm belief in Falun Dafa. He still has not been released and only has a thin shirt to wear.

4. Mr. Liu Heqing Arrested, Taken to Psychiatric Hospital

On the morning of August 26, 2011, officials from the Yisuhe Town 610 Office, town official Tang Yong, Zhu Guangwu, and local police arrested Mr. Liu Heqing from Yisuhe Town, Xiangtan County, Hunan Province, then took him to the Xiangtan Psychiatric Hospital (Xiangtan No. 5 People's Hospital), where he is being detained. Mr. Zhao Xianghai has been detained in the psychiatric hospital for the past four years. His mother requested his release, but her request was denied.

Niutouling Residential Committee, Yisuhe Town, Xiangtan County: +86-731-57880060
Shuishang Residential Committee, Yisuhe Town, Xiangtan County: +86-731-57883239
Chengtang Residential Committee, Yisuhe Town, Xiangtan County: +86-731-57821253