(Clearwisdom.net) During the time I was working, Ms.Yang, who got along with me well, came to my office. She said that I had borrowed her notebook and asked me to return it to her. I remembered clearly that I didn't borrow her notebook. However, she insisted that I had. It was going to be hard to prove my innocence without a witness. I immediately realized that I was a practitioner and I must follow Truthfulness-Compassion-Forbearance no matter what the circumstance. I tried to be patient and compassionate. She was very anxious and said to me, "I don't care about the book itself, but I wrote some important notes on the back of it. Without them, how can I work properly with my colleagues?" What she explained to me was indeed a serious problem.

I tried to comfort her patiently and asked her to think it over, to see if she remembered who had borrowed the notebook. I added that, even though she couldn't remember who borrowed it, the person who borrowed the book would certainly return it. She was even more worried and pointed at me, saying, "I know you borrowed it, and you're trying to put the blame on someone else!" I didn't try to find excuses for myself and just recited the Fa silently. She saw that I had gotten quiet and said, "Go find it for me!" Then she left.

The next morning at work, she came to my office again, asking me if I had found it or not. I smiled, "I didn't borrow your notebook, but I can help you find it." I got up and went to another office. She followed me to the other office. I asked everyone, "Did anyone borrow Sister Yang's notebook?" Everyone answered, "No." She pointed at me again, "It is you who borrowed it!" I laughed at her, since she seemed so certain that I had borrowed her book. As I walked out of the office, she was still talking about it. A colleague named Li, who didn't get along with Ms. Yang, caught up to me and whispered to me, "Why are you laughing? She is really putting the blame on you. You should defend yourself." I just smiled at Li.

I went to another office on the same floor and still didn't find the person who had borrowed her notebook. I had to go back to my office. Right after I sat down, a coworker named Zhang came to my office, and Ms. Yang showed up again to ask me to return her notebook. Zhang heard her and said at once, "Sister Yang, I borrowed your notebook some days ago." Ms. Yang was confused and pointed at me again and asked Zhang, "Did you give the book to her?" Zhang smiled, "She is innocent. I am the one who borrowed your book. I am sorry I caused you to worry. I will return it to you once I am done here."

Ms. Yang was not worried anymore. She said to me, "Falun Gong practitioners are very nice. They are so patient. I am sorry I treated you unfairly. I bow to you." Then she bowed to me at the waist three times and said, "I am going to practice Falun Gong in the future."