(Clearwisdom.net) From December 21 to 24, Shen Yun Performing Arts' New York Company presented four shows in Jones Hall, Houston and received rave reviews from audience members.

December 21, first Shen Yun show at Jones Hall

December 23, third Shen Yun show at Jones Hall

Watching Shen Yun Performing Arts at Houston's Jones Hall during the holidays was a "great experience" for musician Michael Foster. Mr. Foster watched the final show in Houston on Christmas Eve.
"The colors, the messages, the performance itself were great," he said.
As a musician, he could appreciate how the orchestra accompanying the dance performances combined classical Western instruments with traditional Chinese instruments, creating a sound that "you don't typically hear here."
"The orchestra was amazing," said Mr. Foster.
Mr. Foster's daughter said that she also enjoyed the show. Her dad said that they'll be talking about the show for a long time.
"Overall, it's just a huge, amazing show," Mr. Foster said.
Oil company owner, David I'anson, and his wife, Emily
Oil company owner, David I'anson, and his wife, Emily, thought the creative display of culture was both beautiful and educational.
"I think it's a fantastic show, excellent. Very good show indeed, very enjoyable," Mr. I'anson said, adding that it was his first time seeing the New York-based company and his first encounter with Chinese entertainment. "A great first; I'm enjoying it very much."
Mrs. I'anson agreed, adding, "It's very nice—I love the costumes. I think it's very beautiful, and how good the dancers are!"
Mr. I'anson said what made the show special was the narration given before each dance, giving context to each performance.
"The story is so important, and if you don't understand the story, you really don't understand the dance. It's great, it's a great inspiration," he said.
Mr. I'anson said he felt the heart of the performance was fantastic and he connected to it emotionally, especially with the lyrics of the solo vocalists.
"The whole performance touches an emotional part of the heart. ... It absolutely brings you in emotionally, it touches you. You're able to connect to that emotionally as a human being. I enjoyed that very much," he said.
Wendy Reeves and Julie Hughes
Dance instructors Wendy Reeves and Julie Hughes were amazed by the skill and talent of the New York-based company.
"It was just fabulous—the athleticism and the grace were unbelievable. I didn't know what to expect but I really enjoyed it. It was beautiful! All the different costuming and the whole interpretation, everything was just amazing. Awesome, awesome dancers," Ms. Reeves said.
Ms. Hughes, who has danced in competitions along with Ms. Reeves, agreed with her friend and thought the "costuming was unbelievable."
"I thought the show was incredible—it was fabulous. The athleticism, the grace, the beauty—I loved the story lines, and the scenery was beautiful—I loved it," Ms. Hughes said.
One of the first things she noticed was Shen Yun's animated backdrops.
"The backdrops were fabulous—I enjoyed seeing the backdrop with the people coming and going and dancing—it was beautiful," Ms. Hughes said.
She added that she would absolutely recommend the show to her friends, telling them about how "everything just flows—it's excellent."
"I was very surprised, it was incredible and more than I expected," Ms. Reeves said.
"It's kind of scary knowing that we can see this here, but in China they can't see it, and it's just amazing that we can be here and see this now," Ms. Hughes added.
Reed Cook attended the third Shen Yun performance in Houston, on Dec. 23
Reed Cook, senior vice president of banking, said Shen Yun Performing Arts' revival of traditional Chinese culture being presented at Jones Hall in Houston on Dec. 23 was "spectacular."
"I enjoyed it very much," Mr. Cook said, adding that he was learning not only about the ancient culture but also about present-day China. He felt that the New York-based company was showing the Chinese spirit from ancient history down to modern day.
Mr. Cook commented that the performers were very capable and talented.
"I think they want to deliver the values, strength that's gone through the ages, as well as dedication to courage and honesty."
Natalie O'Neill, mayor of Taylor Lake Village, with her husband at Houston's Jones Hall on Dec. 23.
Natalie O'Neill, the mayor of Taylor Lake Village, came to see the New York-based company's artistic display of China's 5,000 years of history with her family.
"I think it's wonderful. I think the costumes are beautiful, I think the dancers are talented—gorgeous, absolutely gorgeous," Mrs. O'Neill said.
"I love the drums, you can feel the emotion in the drums. It's beautiful."
Mrs. O'Neill said the best part of the show was the message, which she thought was "truth and honesty, and goodness, and accepting of everything, tolerance."
Her husband agreed and added that the dancers were athletic and beautiful.
Mrs. O'Neill said she could feel the heart of the performance while in the audience.
"They all seem very genuine and very dedicated, engaged in the meaning, in the whole thing. They're at one with what they're doing. I think their hearts are in it—they probably live it," she said.