(Clearwisdom.net) On August 3rd to 17th, the "Truthfulness-Compassion-Forbearance" International Art Exhibition was held at the Pine Street Creative Art Centre in Sydney. Several hundred people viewed the art works.

Mr. Charles Zammit praises the art works.

Mr. Charles Zammit spent a long time with each art work. He said that every painting is encouraging and brings people hope.

Ms. Angela Mills stated that the persecution needs to be stopped.

Ms. Angela Mills said she knew about the persecution. The paintings made her sad and she felt angry about the persecution. "It needs to be stopped," she said.

Some guests were interested in learning Falun Gong. A Russian couple told practitioners that they viewed the art works twice, and decided to learn Falun Gong. They bought the book Zhuan Falun.

Andrew Toirkens, the organizer of the exhibition, said that every art work has profound content. They convey the message that the persecution is wrong and it should be stopped.