Through countless years buried in sand
true homes forgotten
Sinking, having lost the Way
the end draws surely near
At the final time, a Great One appears
having descended step by step
Bearing Zhen-Shan-Ren, illuminating all,
Master reconnects the yuanfen
Disciples awaken from delusion,
great vows remembered
Assimilating to Fa, purging evils,
the heavens are wide open
The Great Fa accepts the righteous
heavenly book spreads to every one
Master, with grand mercy,
sets all things right
Cherish this fleeting moment
for it will never come again
Seize the chance to be closer to Fa
at every juncture your own choice
The grand wish fulfilled,
the endless bright future begun
Sentient beings' gratitude
knows no bounds

Category: April 25 Events