(Clearwisdom.net) On August 17, Falun Gong practitioners held activities on the streets of Hamburg to expose the Chinese Communist regime's cruel persecution of Falun Gong. They also collected signatures calling on the Eutelsat Company to immediately resume broadcast of the New Tang Dynasty Television's (NTDTV) signal, as NTDTV is the only independent Chinese language TV station that has the will to cover the true situation in China.

People stop and read the posters that explain the truth about Falun Gong

People sign the petition to support Falun Gong and NTDTV, the independent TV station brave enough to reveal the facts in China.
Since it was the weekend, there were many shoppers and tourists on the
streets in Hamburg. Some signed the petition right after viewing the display
boards; others came over to ask for flyers when they heard practitioners'
explanations through the loudspeaker; still others came back to ask for more
flyers for their relatives and friends after accepting a flyer in a rush. After
reading the information, some returned them to the practitioners, saying that
they hoped others could learn the truth by reading the same flyer. Many people
were concerned about NTDTV's situation and signed the petition as soon as they
saw the banner reading "Eutelsat Disconnects NTDTV's signals to China on
the eve of the opening ceremony of the Beijing Olympics."
Two Tibetan couples asked for flyers in Chinese. They also signed the petition
and said, "Good job! We Tibetans support you."
After viewing the display boards exposing the Chinese regime's atrocity of
harvesting organs from living Falun Gong practitioners, a lady pushing a baby
carriage burst into tears and said to a practitioner, "Only after reading
the information on the display boards did I really know how ill-informed I was.
My parents often told me that terrible things were happening under the Communist
Party's rule, but today I finally realized what they said to me. How can I help
A Swedish couple who had come to Germany to sightsee said, "We immigrated to Sweden from Eastern Europe when it was ruled by the communists. We used to live in poverty, but now we own three big houses. Communism doesn't want people to lead affluent lives and now it has even gone so far as to harvest organs from living people for sale. Please provide us with more materials and we'll read them carefully."
So many people learned about the intrinsic evil nature of the CCP and signed
the petition supporting justice that the participating practitioners said they
were pleased to be there.
Source: http://clearharmony.net/articles/200809/45981.html
Category: April 25 Events