(Clearwisdom.net) Divine Performing Arts' 2008 world tour ended in Edmonton, Canada, on May 7, 2008. Edmonton was named the Cultural Capital of Canada for the year 2007.

Susan is a retired nurse and enjoys experiencing various cultures. After seeing the Chinese Spectacular at the Jubilee Auditorium, she said, "Tonight's show was very delicate, elegant and beautiful. I wish I could see it all over again!"

Susan from Canada

Susan loves dance and her grandson is a professional dancer. She'd seen many folk dances. "Compared to the dances I've seen, the DPA's dances were more beautiful, elegant and meaningful. My favorite dances are the dances I saw tonight!"

"I also loved the beautiful music, and I enjoyed the singers' amazing voices. The lyrics were beautiful and meaningful. They reminded people to pay attention to the sad situation in China now."

Susan was surprised to learn that the artists were not from China, but are overseas Chinese. She was sad to learn that such beautiful traditional culture was destroyed in China. However, she was glad to see through the DPA's world tour that such great culture is being promoted around the world. "I can see that the artists made diligent efforts to inherit and restore traditional Chinese culture. The DPA demonstrated to the world great beauty and truth that people need to know. They brought inspiration to mankind, and what real beauty is. I respect them for doing so!"

Susan thought it was great that the show presented traditional spiritual and moral values from China. "This helps people to discern goodness from evil. I hope the Chinese government can start to respect human life!"