(Clearwisdom.net) On the evening of April 18, 2008, the second show of the Divine Performing Arts (DPA) Chinese Spectacular was held in the ASB Theatre of the Aotea Centre, in Auckland. The genuine Chinese culture shown in the performance deeply impressed many Chinese audience members.

Audience enjoys the Chinese Spectacular
Director of Taiwan Economic and Cultural Office: DPA presents genuine Chinese culture
Yang Gao-rong, director of the Taiwan Economic and Cultural Office in Auckland, said after watching the show, "It was very touching because the whole performance shows genuine Chinese culture. It seems to be the presentation of the great Tang Dynasty; very impressive."

Yang Gao-rong, director of Taiwan Economic and Cultural Office in Auckland
Mr. Yang said, "I believe that the New Zealand audience was also moved. I think that everyone in the audience will tell their friends about what they have seen. The animated backdrop is good. I think that a true understanding of music and dance often comes from one's heart. And art transcends country boundaries. I have studied religion, philosophy, and art for several dozen years, so I can feel it. I found that each word of the tenor and soprano was powerful. I think anyone with a little educational background can feel it."
Taiwanese Sculptor: This is a high-level performance. Every Chinese should see it.
Sculptor JJ from Taiwan liked the Chinese Spectacular very much. He said that it was difficult to find such a high-level performance in mainland China or Taiwan, not to mention in other countries. JJ said he gained a unique understanding from the show.

Sculptor JJ from Taiwan said he was homesick after watching the show, which seemed to remind him of his hometown.
He said, "For many reasons, Chinese people should come to see the show. For me, I take this show as a whole body. I feel it is a high-level performance and has deep meaning."
JJ said, "The performance about Buddha and the other deities is moving. Though I am a person without a firm belief, I can understand the connotations. For example, the dance, "The Risen Lotus Flower" truly moved me and made me think of Nazi concentration camps. Falun Gong practitioners are being persecuted. They need our help."
JJ said he felt homesick after watching the show. He plans to bring his friend to see the show if possible.
Chinese Artist: Images and Information with Deep Connotations
John, and artist who creates Chinese paintings, said he admired the backdrop designs of the Chinese Spectacular, remarking that they had deep connotations.
John said, "The design is not from one or two artists. It is composed out of a cultural and historical background and images and contains information with deep connotations. As a Chinese, I am very proud to see such an outstanding performance by Chinese people outside of China."
Chinese Importer: Very appealing
Mr. Zhao, a businessman in the import business, commended the Chinese Spectacular: "Very appealing, very good!"
He felt that the Spectacular showcased Chinese traditional culture. "I felt that they presented the spirit of Chinese culture. Using music and art to show Truth-Compassion-Tolerance exerts a subtle influence. I felt it was very good."