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Clearwisdom Weekly Persecution News - January 7 ~ January 13, 2008

January 26, 2008 |  

Jan. 7

On June 28, 2007, Falun Gong practitioner Ms. Li Yumei was arrested and beaten by police. She was sentenced to six years in prison.

On April 28, 2007, Falun Gong practitioners Zhang Yufeng and her husband Yu Xianwu were arrested and their house was ransacked. Ms. Zhang was shocked in the face by electronic batons. She was sentenced to five years in prison and Jailed in Luquan Women's Prison in Shijiazhuang City, Hebei Province.

Falun Gong practitioner Zhou Xiaobo, 31 years old, was a physician at Tangxiao Town Hospital in Rui'an City, Zhejiang Province. On November 7, 2007, he was arrested by the local 610 Office and his home was ransacked. The police confiscated his personal belongings.

Jan. 8

On September 15, 2007, eleven Falun Gong practitioners from Huaihua City went to distribute truth-clarification materials. They were illegally detained by the 610 Office agents and the police from Huitong County. Three older practitioners at their age of 82, 70 and 60, respectively, returned home after they had five to ten thousand yuan extorted. The other eight practitioners were illegally sentenced to between three and seven years in prison by Huitong County Court..

Jan. 11

CCP authorities declared Mr. Wu committed suicide, but witnesses at his apartment building and at the hospital where he died, tell a different story. Wu had previously worked with the CCP as an informant, but then reaffirmed his dedication to Falun Gong. He had recently refused to cooperate further with the Party. His family and others aware of these details cannot get the police and justice system to pay any attention to them, in fact the police demand conformity with the 'official' story.

An example of academic freedom of expression in China.

Mr. Che has been imprisoned and tortured for years and his condition had deteriorated to the point that one prison returned him to another because they did not want responsibility for his condition. Still his family's requests for a medical leave for treatment have been denied.

Jan. 12

Jan. 13

A description of how Falun Gong practitioners are followed and arrested. The police try to avoid public notice and disturbance, and often lie to practitioners saying they only wish to ask some questions. Once in custody, practitioners are tortured to make them 'confess' to whatever charges the police devise.

Clearwisdom.net and its Chinese-language sister-website (minghui.ca) provide first-hand reports about the horrors of the persecution of Falun Gong in China. Dozens of reports are received every day from the victims of torture, the wrongfully imprisoned, and families crippled by the senseless hardship and grief for their loved ones imposed by the persecution. In contrast, the websites also report positive news and events from the more than 80 countries around the world where Falun Gong is practiced, and serve as an online forum for practitioners to share stories of the good things Falun Gong has brought to their lives. For more information, please contact editor@clearwisdom.net.