(Clearwisdom.net) A pregnant woman is hung up with her hands cuffed while a policeman tortures her. To their left, a man whose hands are cuffed behind his back witnesses all of this ----This is the scene depicted by one of the nine sculptures borrowing ideas from the Nine Commentaries on the Communist Party on display in front of the United Nations. It demonstrates the content in the Fifth Commentary--On the Collusion of Jiang Zemin with the CCP to Persecute Falun Gong.
Sculptures depicts the content in the Fifth
of the Nine Commentaries on the Communist Party. The Fifth Commentary is on the Collusion of Jiang Zemin with the CCP to Persecute Falun GongNine sculptures embody some of the content of the Nine Commentaries on the Communist Party. Passersby are shocked and stop to look and find out more

During the second session of the United Nations Human Rights Council from September 18 to 22, 2006, The Epoch Times held a five-day sculpture exhibit on the Nine Commentaries in front of the United Nations in Geneva. Many Falun Gong practitioners took part in this activity. They clarified the facts to passersby, distributed materials about the Nine Commentaries, quitting the CCP, and the Chinese Communist Party's (CCP) crimes of harvesting organs from living Falun Gong practitioners.
Falun Gong practitioner Aleardo said, "I think it is very good to help people clearly understand its true history and how evil it really is. I believe this benefits everybody. Some passersby expressed that they were gullible, believing the CCP's lies slandering Falun Gong, until today when they learned what is truly happening. They now have a clearer and more positive understanding of Falun Gong. So I support this activity and I'll keep it up." [Interview original voice (German) 2006_SEP_UN_1.mp3 (676KB)]
Ms. Zuo and other practitioners went outside the UN every day to distribute materials related to quitting the CCP and the CCP's harvesting organs from living Falun Gong practitioners. They exposed the CCP's merciless persecution of the Chinese people over the past fifty plus years, especially the brutal persecution of Falun Gong in the past seven plus years.
When talking about her feeling about taking part in this activity, Ms. Zuo expressed that she was shocked this past March when she heard about the CCP's live organ harvesting. As a Falun Gong practitioner, she finds it hard to imagine how she would feel if her organs were harvested against her will while she was still alive. Falun Gong practitioners follow the principle of "Truthfulness-Compassion-Forbearance" to cultivate themselves to be good people, but they have been subjected to such murderous schemes. As a mother of two children, she can imagine how the parents of practitioners who have lost their children feel. She said, "Especially, my aunty, she was sentenced to three years in prison for practicing Falun Gong. We haven't heard from her ever since. My relatives and I are worried about her current situation. Giving out materials so that people will learn all about this, and everybody will send out their voices of justice, then the persecution will be put to an end soon." [Interview original voice (Chinese): 2006_SEP_UN_2.mp3(547KB)]
The life-size sculptures attracted attention from many people walking or driving by. Some bus drivers opened the doors to ask for materials, and many people carefully looked at every sculpture and read the introduction to the Nine Commentaries on the Communist Party attached to the sculptures.
An Epoch Times representative expressed that the display had left deep impression on many people. Some people said that the displayed sculptures are very impressive, far more expressive than written words. There were also people inside the United Nations who talked about the sculpture exhibit.
A staff member of the UN viewed the sculpture exhibit before going to work and told practitioners that he thought the exhibit was very good and that he wished everything goes smoothly for practitioners.
"I want to learn Falun Gong"
An American working at the UN took some materials and talked with a practitioner about the live organ harvesting. He said that he once heard about Falun Gong and thought the exercises were quite good, but his Chinese friend told him that Falun Gong is supported by the United States, and the United States opposes China. The practitioner told him that his friend has been deceived by CCP lies, and explained that practitioners have never accepted economic support from any government; that practitioners contribute their own money and time to print and distribute materials informing people of facts about Falun Gong and the persecution. After having a long conversation with the practitioner, he said that he wanted to find the Falun Gong practice site in Geneva, and that he wanted to learn Falun Gong.
The next day he brought chocolate to the practitioner he had spoken with to express his gratitude. In the following few days, he also told the practitioner that he has told his colleagues that he wanted to learn Falun Gong. He has begun listening to Falun Gong exercise music and reading Zhuan Falun.
"We come from former Communist countries and we know how evil the Communist Party is"
A lady who came to attend the UN meetings told practitioners that she came from Hungary. In the past, Hungary was also under the rule of the Communist Party. She knows about the Communist Party's tyrannical rule. The situation in China now may be even more serious than that in Hungary at that time. She took a copy of the Nine Commentaries on the Communist Party in German and the report written by the Canadian independent investigators regarding the CCP's harvesting organs from living Falun Gong practitioners. She said she would read them carefully.
Another gentleman attending the meetings came from a East European country and told practitioners that he quite understood the CCP's inhuman and barbaric nature, because the Communist Party persecuted people cruelly in his country too.
Sculpture exhibit and Chinese tourists
Around the sculpture exhibit there were signs reading "Without the Communist Party, China Will Have Hope," and banners with messages about thirteen million Chinese people quitting the CCP. Many Chinese tourists looked at the banners while passing by, and some of them read out the messages. Some Chinese tourists took the Nine Commentaries and truth clarification materials about the persecution of Falun Gong. Some of them dared not take the materials out of fear, and some carefully read the explanations. Practitioners told them about the mighty current of quitting the CCP and the CCP's atrocious crimes of live organ harvesting.
On the last day of the exhibit, some Chinese tourists passed by the exhibit and looked surprised at seeing the sculptures. Many of them took the Nine Commentaries displayed on the table on their own initiatives.
Working together to stop CCP crimes
A lady saw the message on the practitioner's T-shirt about organ harvesting while taking materials from the practitioner. She cried out, "Live organ harvesting! It's horrible!" Then she told the practitioner, "Anything to do with the communism, their practices, and intolerable ideology is just something that the world should raise as much protest against as possible. This regime ignores human rights, and has cost millions of people's lives. It has destroyed lands, country, culture, languages, and everything. So It's now to us to pay for it. I find it intolerable. I'm very glad to see the work you are doing. Congratulations, I wish that more people can work together to stop the CCP's behavior."
[Interview original voice (English): 2006_SEP_UN_3.mp3(714KB)]
The sculpture exhibit concluded, but the influence it has left in people's mind will live on.
Category: Rallies & Protests