(Clearwisdom.net) In January 1994, Teacher went to Tianjin to teach the Fa after completing the activities at the Beijing Health Expo. A friend took me to listen to Teacher in person. I felt fortunate to have had the opportunity. At the time, my understanding of qigong was that it was very mysterious. I didn't know it was cultivation. On the first day of the 9-day lectures, when Teacher talked about installing Falun in people who truly wanted to learn and cultivate Falun Dafa, I immediately felt the Falun rapidly turning in my abdomen.

During the lectures, I got answers to many questions that I had pondered previously but could not answer. I understood the truth and purpose of life. I also experienced a healthy feeling with no illness. In the past, I had back pain, headaches and swollen legs, making walking and riding a bicycle difficult. By the second and third lectures, I felt as if someone was pushing me forward when I rode a bicycle. And my feet were so light that I felt like I was floating when I walked.

From the start, I felt that Teacher was different from other qigong masters. It was very hard for students to get close to qigong masters from other schools. But Teacher was very easygoing. He walked from the last row of the audience to the stage every day. When he taught the exercises, he would come down off the stage and correct the students' movements. Whenever students asked to have pictures taken with Teacher, he always complied.

After the 9-day lecture series, we set up a practice site in the park. Many people came to the park to learn the exercises daily. In less than six months, several hundred people were practicing. We then went to other places to set up practice sites. There were many people at the practice sites in all parks, and the number of people increased daily while the number of people who practiced other qigong steadily decreased. Many people who used to practice other qigong learned Falun Gong.

"Dafa is being spread far and wide. Those who hear about it are looking for it. Those who have obtained it are delighted with it. The number of cultivators is increasing daily and becoming countless." ("Seeking Discipleship with Teacher" from Essential for Further Advancement)

When Teacher taught the Fa in Tianjin for the second time in March 1994, I took the opportunity and attended the lectures again. What I remember most was a woman who had a stroke and was paralyzed on one side of the body. Her colleague drove her to the lecture on the first day. When Teacher was adjusting students' bodies, she saw Law Wheels turning around her. When she went home, she dreamed of pain in her abdomen as if she was giving birth, then she dreamed of giving birth to a ball. When she woke up, she was cured. The next day, she rode her bicycle to the lecture.

When Teacher talked about smoking in his lecture, He said, "Those who really want to cultivate ought to quit smoking right now." Many people then smelled cigarettes and thought the smell was terrible, so they put their cigarette boxes on the stage. In short period of time, a small mountain of cigarette boxes grew on the stage. A student asked, since Shakyamuni has the Saha Paradise, and Buddha Amitabha's Paradise of Ultimate Bliss is made of gold, what does the Falun Paradise look like? Teacher said, "Look behind me." Many people immediately saw the Falun Paradise; it had mountains, rivers, buildings, people, and scenes from both ancient times and modern times. Several people also saw celestial maidens casting flowers in the lecture hall.

Whenever I recall those fond memories, I am so grateful for Teacher's mercy. I should cherish the opportunity of cultivating during the Fa-rectification period even more.