(Clearwisdom.net) On February 10, 2006, Chinese and German staff from The Epoch Times newspaper came to the Chinese Embassy in Berlin to protest the violence of the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) and asked that the henchmen who had beaten up Falun Gong practitioner Dr. Li Yuan, an information technology specialist for The Epoch Times in Atlanta, USA, be brought to justice. At the same time, Ms. Zheng Zhihong, a Falun Gong practitioner from Berlin had been asked to come to the Embassy to "have a talk."
Before entering the Embassy, Ms. Zheng told the police officer on duty about her passport and the malevolent nature of the CCP and also gave him a copy of the Nine Commentaries on the Communist Party, a series of editorials published by the Epoch Times that exposes the history and atrocities of the CCP.
A week earlier, Ms. Zheng applied to have her passport extended and handed in her passport to the Embassy before its expiration date. Meanwhile, she had to register permanent residency for her five-month-old son as well. The staff of the Embassy accepted her application and told her that she could get her passport back the following Friday, February 10th. On Monday, Ms. Zheng got a call from the Embassy. The person on the phone asked whether Ms. Zheng practiced Falun Gong or not. When she answered, "Yes," she was told to come to the Embassy and "have a talk." When the Embassy staff asked if her husband practiced Falun Gong as well, Ms. Zheng refused to answer.
On February 10th, Zheng, along with a western Falun Gong practitioner, arrived at the Embassy where she had a talk with a staff member at the window for those applying for an extension of their passports. According to Ms. Zheng, the staff member told her, "You should have known what Falun Gong practitioners are doing in China." Zheng answered, "I do know what they are doing. They haven't done anything illegal but I know what the CCP is doing in China and how the CCP is persecuting Falun Gong as well." Ms. Zheng related that the staff member who talked with her looked nervous and seemed that he didn't want to go deeply into the matter.
Finally, the staff member of the Embassy refused to give the passport back to Ms. Zheng, with the excuse of not having it ready. Ms. Zheng asked them to explain why they at first told her that they would have her passport ready within a week but now told her that they didn't have it ready and still wanted to have a talk about Falun Gong with her. The staff member refused to give any explanation, but rather called in a German policeman and told him a lie that Ms. Zheng was distributing material about Falun Gong in the Embassy. When the policeman stated that Ms. Zheng didn't distribute any materials, he didn't pay any attention to the request to drive her away from the Embassy.
After leaving the Embassy, Ms. Zheng immediately participated in the protest against the violence of the CCP.
Source: http://clearharmony.net/articles/200602/31480.html
Category: Persecution Outside China