(Clearwisdom.net) On December 5, 2006, an international conference on the topic "The Media Opposes Terrorism and Extremism" was held in Donetsk City in Ukraine by the Kiev Diamatik Social and Economic Research Center, the Humanitarian Policy Office of the Department of Defense of Ukraine, the European Atlantic Cooperation Department, the International Security Scientific Information Center at Donetsk National University, and the Politics Analysis and Social Research Institute subordinate to the Kiev NATO (North Atlantic Treaty Organization) Information and Literature Center.

The persecution of Falun Gong received attention at the international conference
During the conference three major topics were discussed: terrorism, extremism, and genocide. The conference also discussed how to prevent terrorism, as well as co-operation between government and society to oppose terrorism together. The conference also discussed large scale state terrorism launched by the Chinese government against Falun Gong practitioners in China.
Many representatives gave speeches at the conference, including Uriy Grebenchuk, the general manager of Kiev Diamatik Social and Economic Research Center; Vladimir Kipen, the president of Donetsk Politics Analysis and Social Research Institute; and An Sagaydak from the department of International Relations and Politics at Donetsk National University. Representatives from NATO headquarters to Ukraine and the Russian Political Relations and Security emphasized in their speeches that "co-operation among countries is an important condition for eradicating terrorism."
The speech given by Ms. Rosina Milostnova, chief editor of The Epoch Times newspaper, which is registered in Ukraine, aroused the conference delegates' attention. She said that terrorism can occur at the level of the state and that today this kind of terrorism is happening in China. The CCP's persecution of Falun Gong is actually state-terrorism. The CCP controls all state machinery including the army, the media, public security offices, armed police, the state security system, the judicial system, the national people's congress, diplomacy, and so on. All of them exist to persecute Falun Gong. The CCP army and police are directly involved in abducting and arresting Falun Gong practitioners, and the media spreads lies on behalf of the CCP. The CCP implemented the policy of "destroying their reputations, bankrupting them financially, and annihilating them physically" against Falun Gong practitioners who believe in "Truthfulness Compassion, Forbearance." This persecution has lasted for over seven years. Since July 1999, there have been at least 3000 documented cases of Falun Gong practitioners persecuted to death. At the conference she also exposed the CCP's crime of organ harvesting from living Falun Gong practitioners.
NTDTV reporter Vladimir Yasinskiy gave a brief speech. He also mentioned the CCP's persecution of Falun Gong and then showed a video recording of an independent investigation of organ harvesting. The investigation was conducted by David Kilgour, former president of the Canadian Human Rights Committee and the former Secretary of State (Asia Pacific) of Canada, and David Matas, international human rights lawyer.
After seeing the video, delegates at the conference were shocked. Many people asked questions such as why a matter like this was unknown to them until today. The organizer of the conference hoped that this report would still be presented at the next similar conference in Krim.
Source: http://clearharmony.net/articles/200612/37102.html
Category: Organ Harvesting