(Clearwisdom.net) "No human nature," "We are shocked!" Although the members of the International Human Rights Association are familiar with the atrocities committed by the Chinese Communist Party, while viewing the twenty-five paintings created to expose the cruel persecution of Falun Gong, they found the shameless means used to suppress Falun Gong, the rampant persecution and the degree of brutality beyond their imagination.
Members of the International Human Rights Association are shocked by the cruel persecution of Falun Gong carried out by the Chinese Communist Party.
When a Falun Gong practitioner from Frankfurt heard that the 2005 International Human Rights Annual Conference held at Koenigstein from April 23rd to 24th was about torture, he immediately remembered the Art Exhibition in Geneva during the session of the UN Human Rights Conference. Some of the paintings illustrated how the police in China persecute Falun Gong practitioners using torture.
He contacted practitioners in other countries, and quickly got copies of the paintings. He selected twenty-five paintings from the copies. Most of them portrayed methods of torture, such as bamboo sticks being shoved under the fingernails and cruel beatings. Some of them indirectly showed the persecution; for example, one girl couldn't enter her home because her home was sealed up by order of the 610 Office, a Gestapo-like agency created solely to persecute Falun Gong. On the morning of April 23rd when the International Human Rights Annual Conference was about to start, the practitioner was busy hanging up the paintings near the relaxation area.
The effect of exposing the persecution using these art works was displayed as they were framed. Employees of the framing company were measuring the size of every painting, so the practitioner took the chance to explain to them in detail about the content. The framing company got to know about the persecution and decided to charge their lowest price because, as they said, "this art exhibition is a meaningful event." They even helped the practitioner solve a transportation problem due to his urgent schedule by driving their own company van to transport the paintings to the location of the conference.

Communism was rampant in Eastern Europe for many years, so those people who came from this area were especially touched. Someone from the Czech Republic asked the practitioner how to get a high-resolution photo of a painting of an elderly Falun Gong practitioner squatting in a cage, in which he could hardly extend his body. The Czech man felt this painting had an intense symbolic meaning. The Communist Party is like a cage that confines human thought and freedom. Day after day, year after year, those who are held in these cages will forget what normal life is, what their inherent dignity and what their rights are. They become gradually numb and accept the orders of those evil people who torture them.
Although this practitioner has been living in democratic western Germany, he could understand this implied meaning. The publication of Nine Commentaries on the Communist Party in German let him understand systematically the nature of the Communist Party and the way they use the principles of lies, violence and suppression to control all aspects of society. The Communist Party's history of brutal killing never been expounded in such a way before. They utilize killing to create an atmosphere of terror to control people spiritually, so that most Chinese are totally willing to accept totalitarian rule.
The practitioner was glad to see the art exhibition had resonated with the
people who visited. When many people found out he was the curator, they came to
him and said, with an incredible, shocked, and angry look, that they would tell
more people about the persecution of Falun Gong.
This art exhibition was the first time the "Truthfulness, Compassion, and
Forbearance Art Exhibition" was held in Germany. Falun Gong practitioners
have blazed a peaceful path of anti-persecution, exposing the persecution by
words, anti-torture exhibitions, music, paintings, and sculpture.
"In Germany, we will keep organizing the art exhibitions." said the practitioner. His gentle and slow voice was also steadfast in expressing resistance persecution, and determination to let the world know the truth.
Source: http://clearharmony.net/articles/200505/26444.html