
Persecution Facts

On December 7, 2003, police officers in Yuanbaoshan District, Chifeng City, Neimenggu Autonomous Region arrested Dafa practitioners Wang Fei, Wang Guilan, Zhao Jiqin, Wang Guihua, Wang Yujie, Li Hongzhang and others.

In May 2004, Wang Guihua was sentenced to three years of forced labor and taken to Huhehaote; Zhao Jiqin was sentenced to three years of forced labor and was sent to Tumuji; Wang Yujie, Li Hongzhang and two other practitioners were sent to forced labor camps; Wang Fei, Wang Guilan and one other practitioner were sentenced to three years in prison.

In early May 2004, Wang Fei, Wang Guilan and one other practitioner held a hunger strike at the Pingzhuang Detention Center. In mid May, these practitioners were extremely weak and on the brink of death. When their families went to visit them, the authorities claimed they have been sent to Huhehaote.

Dafa practitioner Chen Huaqiu from Sichuan Province went to Beijing to appeal in May 2000 and was illegally detained for 15 days. She was sent back to Chengdu City and detained for another 15 days. From then on, perpetrators from the police department and from the street committee began monitoring her. They arrested Dafa practitioners on so-called sensitive days and sent them to a brainwashing class.