(Clearwisdom.net) From January 24 to 28, 2004, during the time of the China-France cultural parade and Hu Jintao's visit to France, numerous Falun Gong practitioners were arbitrarily arrested and mistreated in Paris due to pressure from Jiang's regime. Falun Gong practitioners clarified the truth to people from all walks of life and sought lawful channels to deal with the unjustifiable acts. Falun Gong practitioners have received much support. Recently, two Members of the European Parliament, Ms. Pernille Frahm and Mr. Mogens Camre, signed a petition to France's President Jacques Chirac to request French authorities to investigate these unjustifiable acts of discrimination and violence and apologize to Falun Gong practitioners unreservedly.
Petition To:
France President Jacques Chirac
Palais de I'Elysee
Paris, France
Keep Liberty in France
From the grand parade on the Champs-Elysees, co-organized by Paris and Beijing, until the end of the official visit in France of Chinese president Hu Jintao (from 24 to 28 January 2004), about 70 Falun Gong practitioners from England, Germany, France, Denmark, the Netherlands, Taiwan, and Sweden were arrested and detained for many hours while distributing flyers or simply wearing yellow scarves with the words "Falun Gong" on them on the streets of Paris. Some practitioners were taken away simply for being with those wearing yellow scarves.
For more than four years, in China, Falun Gong practitioners are the target of a campaign of terror and genocide led by ex-Party chief Jiang Zemin -- more than 900 have been tortured to death, more than 100,000 incarcerated in forced labour camps without trial, thousands have been forced into psychiatric hospitals; women, children and elderly are not spared. Jiang Zemin is being sued for torture, genocide and crimes against humanity in North America, Asia and Europe.
We, the undersigned, deeply regret that the French government bowed to Chinese pressure, acted against the French values of liberty, equality, fraternity and arbitrarily arrested peaceful people who in no way had disturbed public order. I therefore request French authorities to investigate these unjustifiable acts of discrimination and violence and apologize to the victims unreservedly.
Name Mogens N.J. Camre
Position Member of the European Parliament
Nationality Danish
Date 14. April 2004
Name Pernille Frahm
Position Member of the European Parliament
Nationality Danish
Date 6 April 2004.

Category: April 25 Events