(Clearwisdom.net) On July 22, Falun Gong practitioners from all over the world rallied on the
U.S. Capitol Hill to call on people from all walks of life to support justice. A number of U.S.
Senators and Representatives came to express their support. Below is a letter of support to the
rally from US Congressman William Lacy Clay.
Congress of the United States
House of Representatives
July 14, 2003
(address omitted)
Dear Falun Gong Practitioners:
As you are well aware I actively and wholeheartedly support the efforts of Falun Gong practitioners who peacefully protest the atrocious human rights violations that innocent Chinese citizens are suffering. Be assured that I also fully support your July 22, 2003, rally in Washington, D.C. Your cause is a noble one. The United States has a long history of crusading for human rights where they are sorely abused, and along with many of my fellow members of Congress I am determined to help end the persecution of Falun Gong practitioners in China and other foreign countries.
As you may know, I joined with many other members of Congress in petitioning President Bush to broach this issue with Chinese President Jiang Zemin when they met at Mr. Bush's ranch in October of 2002. Also, I cosigned a letter to Secretary of State Colin Powell in January of 2002 asking him to speak with Icelandic officials about recalling a policy of restricted travel to Iceland at the time of the Chinese President's arrival in order to keep the Falun Gong protests small and unnoticeable. I have consistently given my full support to help end the persecution of Falun Gong practitioners in China. The road to Falun Gong freedom is long, and our efforts must and will continue.
I urge all practitioners of Falun Gong to remain dedicated and hopeful that we will find a peaceful solution to this abominable human rights situation. Demonstrations like the one you are planning in Washington, D.C. this month will help to harness support within Congress, and, will hopefully lead to further pressure on the Chinese government. I will remain as dedicated as I have been, and with your continued efforts we can end this terrible persecution of your fellow practitioners of Falun Gong in China.
Wm. Lacy Clay
Member of Congress