
The Falun Gong website, Clearwisdom.net, has attracted more and more readers in the past three years. It has become a focal point to which the governments of many countries, research institutions, and Jiang's regime pay great attention. The impact of news media on a society is very significant. As the source of news related to Dafa in the ordinary people's society, Clearwisdom.net needs the support of more practitioners to further strengthen its impact.

Some practitioners cannot get started when trying to write an article. Isn't that something one needs to overcome in one's cultivation? If practitioners around the world can promptly send reports or illustrations of local Fa-spreading activities to Clearwisdom.net, then the glory of Dafa being spread around the world can be reflected and displayed in real time. If more practitioners can take the initiative to write about their experiences and send them to Clearwisdom.net, a common thread will be formed that joins practitioners from all over the world, so that we, as a group, will elevate.

In some areas there are many practitioners doing Fa-Rectification and Fa spreading work, but no one writes about it. What makes a media outlet successful is its reputation for being prompt, accurate and broad in coverage. Clearwisdom.net would improve in these regards with more care and support from practitioners.

There is another thing. In writing an article, not only do we need to report our deficiencies so that other practitioners can take lessons from them, but also we need to report the good deeds that we have performed. We need to report examples that reflect the cultivation state of practitioners where they are being responsible to themselves, to other people, and to society. This is very important to our clarifying the truth to the world's people. Clarifying the truth is not limited to the persecution that practitioners have encountered. It needs to also help people come to know what Dafa is, what true Dafa practitioners are like and what their states of cultivation are like. We should use more concrete and objective examples to show people the truth and to save them.

Human beings are beginning to awaken to the truth about Falun Dafa. The momentum of Dafa's spreading in the world is unstoppable. Although in some localized regions there is still serious persecution of one kind or another, this also presents opportunities for us to better tell the truth. More people can then see the viciousness of the evil, the strength and endurance of the practitioners, and the benevolence and greatness of Dafa. Also, if we look upon these disturbances as practitioners who are always trying to improve ourselves, we will not be confused by the evil that we face and not feel discouraged.

Finally, if an article that has been submitted is not published, one should not feel discouraged. An article written by a practitioner with righteous thoughts has power in itself. It can suppress the evil as soon as it is written, regardless of whether it is published or not.