August 10, 2002

Chinese Embassy,

40 Ailesbury Rd,

Dublin 4.

Your Excellency,

Irish Falun Dafa practitioners are gathered here today to further expose the persecution that practitioners worldwide have suffered at the hands of the Jiang regime. Currently there is a trial of 4 Swiss and 12 Hong Kong practitioners who are being unfairly tried in Hong Kong. The judge has shown clear bias towards the prosecution, even insulting the defense lawyer and questioning his integrity. A case with such clear evidence would not go to trial in any other country, and only under the influence of Jiang Zemin would the Hong Kong government sacrifice its own integrity with such a trial.

The persecution of Falun Dafa will not last much longer and when the truth is revealed to the world, people will be held accountable for the actions that they have taken. Once again, we are here shining the light of truth on the persecution and exposing it for what it is. We hope that you, as representatives of China in Ireland, can awaken to what is happening and urge your government to cease persecuting its own people who peacefully practice truth, compassion and tolerance.

Gerald O' Connor