(Clearwisdom.Net) It has been heard that the Dehui City Police Station in Jilin Province has publicly posted a "reward" for arresting several Falun Dafa practitioners who have had to leave their homes to avoid arrest. One can receive 5,000 Yuan for arresting each Falun Dafa practitioner who is on their wanted list. There is also evidence that Dehui City Police Station offered a total of 10,000 Yuan to Jilin Province Labor Camp Hospital for taking Falun Dafa practitioners Sun Dawei and Lin Hongfei. They did this trying to shirk responsibility for the atrocities they have committed in persecuting these practitioners, and to reward the Jiutai City Yinmahe Labor Camp since in the past it had refused to accept practitioners who have been similarly tortured and hardly able to breathe.

In addition to persecution by city police authorities, all Dehui City Grain Depots have not paid their employees regular salaries for about two years. Over that time, they have only parceled out one or two months' salary here and there to avoid conflict. Schools have delayed their faculty's salary and retired workers are often turned away outside the gate of the city government when they try to appeal for their benefits. Society is full of contradictions.

Attacking kindness and persecuting good people earns big money, yet there's no budget to cover essential services and help citizens truly in need. All of this comes during what Jiang's regime labels "China's best period of human rights."