(Clearwisdom.net) Dafa practitioners in the Midwest gathered in front of the Chinese Consulate in Chicago on June 7 to 9 and increased the frequency of sending forth righteous thoughts to eradicate the evil in other dimensions. The practitioners participating included those from the greater Chicago area, the city of Champaign (IL), and the states of Michigan and Indiana. The practitioners ranging from 5 to over 60 years old continued sending forth righteous thoughts every half hour. Some practitioners sent forth righteous thoughts in this fashion for 38 hours straight, from the morning of June 8 to the evening of June 9.

On Sunday, local Chinese community leaders happened to have a meeting scheduled at the Chinese Consulate. The practitioners displayed the beauty of Falun Dafa to the Chinese people by practicing the exercises. Later in the day on Sunday afternoon, some members of a delegation from China came to the consulate to attend a meeting. The practitioners again practiced the exercises in the afternoon.
Category: Rallies & Protests