(Clearwisdom.net) May is a month for multi-cultural exchanges in the local community of Santa Clara County, San Francisco Bay Area. On May 9, 2002, a celebration activity was held in San Jose for the purpose of multi-cultural exchange. San Jose Dafa practitioners participated in the activity as one of the sponsors. The practitioners came to the venue in the morning and set up poster boards and a stand. Many visitors came to ask for Dafa truth-clarifying literature.

The police set up a stand beside our booth to provide ice cream. Many people came over for the ice cream and viewed our posters while standing in line. Almost everyone accepted our truth-clarifying literature.

Many people became aware of the persecution and wanted to learn more about Falun Gong after reading the Dafa literature and learning about the Jiang regime's persecution of Falun Gong. Within a few hours, we handed out several hundred pamphlets, videotapes and VCDs.