March 4th, 2002
Tuesday, March 05, 2002
On March 2nd and 3rd, practitioners in Ireland held their
first National Fa [principles of Falun Gong] Study. It was the first genuine Fa
study held in Ireland and the first time Irish practitioners met since the
founding of the Irish Falun Dafa Association. Approximately 20 practitioners
attended and read together.
After studying the Falun Gong teachings, practitioners discussed many issues.
We talked about how to clarify the truth more effectively, especially to the
precious Chinese people, and how better to tell people in Ireland about Falun
Gong. Preparations were also made for the 2nd Irish National Fa Study.
Before the national Fa study, many practitioners felt isolated from each
other, and many problems had surfaced. Afterwards, practitioners felt a deeper
connection between each other, with many attachments, notions, karma and
interference dissolved. We now feel that we can progress better together as a
whole group.
Group practice

Group discussion after reading Teacher Li's new articles

Category: April 25 Events