(Clearwisdom.net) Since July 20, 1999, the CCTV (China Central Television) has been broadcasting a fabricated story to defame Falun Gong by saying that a Falun Gong practitioner, Gao Ming, from Chengde, Hebei Province, had jumped into the Baima River in an effort to achieve the consummation. At that time, the top leaders [Jiang and Luo] of the ruling regime mistakenly believed that they could exterminate Falun Gong within a month. They also thought that they could control public opinion by starting a rumor, spreading it and then expecting the common people to in believe it. Today, we can look back over the past two and a half years and see a government that has become accustomed to doing such despicable things. How could such a government be anything but the laughingstock of the entire world?
Around New Year's Day of 2001, many Falun Dafa practitioners went to Beijing for Fa-rectification but they were arrested. While I was detained in a basement holding cell of the Beijing office, I met an Anhui Province practitioner, who told me that when he was originally detained in another detention center, he and some other practitioners had been promoting Falun Dafa to the other detainees. One of those detainees lived just near the Baima River, and had related the real story of what was later was twisted into the alleged "Baima River Incident." One day, when a Falun Dafa practitioner was crossing the bridge, there was a vehicle coming in the opposite direction. Trying to yield to the vehicle, the practitioner swerved and accidentally fell into the river. Later, some television journalists came to the site to shoot news footage. When it was aired on television, this event was described as "jumping into the river to commit suicide." It is indeed deplorable that the television station would air such a fabrication. The detainee telling the truth of this event immediately said that he wanted to learn Falun Gong, and that somebody ought to disclose these facts on the Internet.
Among those being detained in the Beijing office, was also a schizophrenic woman. The devious policemen tried to use her to defame Falun Dafa. A few malicious officers would test the electric batons on her whenever they would get bored, and as a result, her body was covered with bruises. They often tormented her and tried to provoke her into attacking Falun Dafa. Practitioners influenced her with compassion, however, thus foiling the schemes of the unprincipled police officers. As witness to such evil, especially the devious psychological treachery of Jiang and his accomplices, it is not difficult to imagine them using the infamous fabricated article that slanders Teacher, to later shift the blame for her misery to Falun Gong.
(Related article: "TV Stations' Fabricated Stories About 'Going Insane'"