Australian Dafa practitioners Continuously Peacefully Appeal in Front of the Chinese Embassy

While the Chinese dictator visited the US, beginning October 20, 2002, Dafa practitioners from different places in Australia peacefully appealed in front of the Chinese Embassy and Consulates to protest the brutal persecution, and clarified the truth to the public. They exposed the Jiang regime's crimes of brutal persecution of Dafa practitioners, the deception of people around the world and hoped to end this evil persecution soon. At the same time, Dafa practitioners sent forth righteous thoughts to eliminate the evil elements in other dimensions that manipulate the ordinary people to do bad deeds.
Japanese Falun Dafa Practitioners Peacefully Appeal in Front of the Chinese Embassy
From October 22, 2002 to October 28, 2002, Dafa practitioners in Japan peacefully appealed, sent forth righteous thoughts, clarified the truth about Falun Gong to the public, and exposed Jiang regime's crimes of brutal persecution of Falun Gong which now is extending its persecution overseas.
The rescue activity of Ms. Yoko Kaneko is also continuing on the occasion of the APEC meeting.

Groups of Dafa practitioners from all over the world went to the US and Mexico to join sending forth righteous thoughts and hold large-scale peaceful appeals before and during the APEC meeting. While transferring flights in Tokyo, practitioners from different places seized the time to study the Fa, share experiences and send forth righteous thoughts. An Australia practitioner told us when s/he prepared for the trip, he constantly inspired that this is a decisive battle between the righteous and the evil in the universe and it is our mission to use our powerful righteous thoughts to eliminate the evil elements in other dimensions. Everyone truly realized that Dafa practitioners in the ordinary human world are one body, no matter where you are, if the righteous thought of each particle is gathered, the strength and mighty power is be tremendous.
Just as Teacher said in "Righteous Thoughts," "put your Dafa disciples' powerful righteous thoughts to full use! Show your Mighty Virtue!"
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