(Clearwisdom.net) On October 12, 2002, UK Falun Gong practitioners participated in the Liverpool Biennial of Contemporary Art.

At 12:00 a.m., practitioners first came to the downtown Liverpool to hand out Dafa truth-clarifying information and materials. As it was Saturday, there were a lot of people in the street. Many pedestrians happily accepted our Dafa flyers and VCDs; some people stopped in front of our truth-clarification display boards and were moved by Dafa practitioners' courageous acts in China. Many people were attracted by the graceful and gentle Falun Gong exercises, especially the fifth exercise the sitting meditation, that gave people an impression of a tranquil harbour in a noisy environment.
At 4:00 p.m. the performing group composed of all Dafa practitioners presented the splendid Fan Dance to the citizens of Liverpool that gained a round of applause from the audience. Near the end of the performance, the owner of a flower shop nearby presented a bunch of fresh flowers to the youngest actor, nine-year-old Lin Lin in the dance group.
The same evening, the dance group was invited to give performances at the most famous hotel in Liverpool. We performed the Fan Dance and demonstrated the Falun Gong exercises. While performing the dance, one practitioner briefly introduced Falun Dafa to the audience, that aroused many people's interest. After our performance, Former UK parliament member Lord Moyne gave a short speech and answered questions raised by the audience.