From August 25 to 27, 2000, the
Asian-Pacific Group Fa (great Law)-Study and Assistants Experience-Sharing Conference was
held successfully in Singapore. About 240 practitioners from Taiwan, Hong Kong, Thailand,
Malaysia, Indonesia, Japan, South Korea, Oceania and Singapore attended this conference.
This was the first large assistants’
meeting held by the Asian region Hong Fa (promoting the Fa) coordinator group since its
establishment. The attendants studied Master Li’s four recently published books, new articles,
Falun Dafa Explication, Lecture at the Changchun Assistant Meeting and Lecture at the First Conference in North America,
etc. They also thoroughly discussed various topics like: how do we combine personal
cultivation with "the Rectification
of the Fa" in this special historical period, the understanding and experience of
cultivating internally when running into conflicts in Dafa work, and how we can assist our
Teacher in Asiatic regions. And finally, all
coordinators exchanged their experiences in small groups.
Through the group study and experience
sharing, the practitioners thought they had gained a lot. They shared precious experiences
that the practitioners from the Asian-Pacific Ocean region gained during their
cultivation, through Hong Fa and assisting the
Teacher. They enhanced the communication among practitioners. Common ground on critical issues was reached, and
finally some practical proposals were scheduled.
Reported by Singapore Falun Dafa
August 29, 2000
Category: April 25 Events